Thursday, March 11th, 2010
Howard Stern AIN’T RIGHT
But he definitely is FUNNY, I was going to post this Yesterday but in lue of HAPPY BLACK GIRL DAY I saved my thoughts about this for today. Go back and read my Happy Black Girl post to lift your spirits before you start to read and or listen to what Howard Stern and his co-host had to say about Gabby Sidobe
“There’s the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen. She is enormous. Everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie,” he said. “She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”
He and co-host Robin Quivers went on to discuss the impossibility of Gabby finding any work in Hollywood after ‘Precious.’
“And Oprah’s lying and saying you’re going to have a brilliant career,” said Robin.
“Oprah’s another liar, a filthy liar,” said Stern. “She’s telling an enormous woman the size of a planet that she’s going to have a career.”
It looks like Gabby will prove Stern wrong. She is lined up to appear on the new Showtime series ‘The C Word’ and her next big-screen appearance will be opposite Zoe Kravitz in the drama ‘Yelling to the Sky.’source
Oh Lawd, Listening to these two, I couldn’t figure out weather or not it was appropriate to be laughing. My heart was torn between doing the right thing and thinking logically. No doubt about it, Gabby is BIG, I mean she is really Big… but I do NOT believe that her career is over. I DO believe that she will some how be type caste to play that “fat girl” in any role that she gets. They say that she has a couple of movies lined up now. So she isn’t done. I can’t wait to see what he future holds. Howard Stern and his co-host had some very interesting points, but we can only hope that they are hilariously WRONG!! Good luck Gabby
Thursday, May 22nd, 2008
Mike The Movie
I’m almost certain that there are about 50-11 docu-movies already out there about Micheal Jordan, What makes the one that Spike lee wants to do any better. They need to make real movies about flying pigs and little children in the ghetto doing hood rat stuff. Maybe a movie on the Lord coming soon and how people need to get their act together before they burn in hell. I don’t really care to see anything more on Michael, maybe he needs to enjoy retirement with all his Lil white women.

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Friday, May 02nd, 2008
Above all else…he’s an actor
I can really feel the raw emotion…. This will be an excellent movie. I’m sure Weezy “WTF” baby will deliver excellent script execution and memorization. I hope they have a pitcher full of SiZZZirup in his trailer for break time. I heard those types of withdrawals can really kill production.
Forest Whitaker stars as a high school basketball coach whose team consisted of players hailing from five different schools that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Lil’ Wayne plays the character Lamont, a student at Al Collins High School who is a skeptic of the newly-assembled team.
The movie from the Weinstein Co. began filming in New Orleans this week. -source
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Friday, April 25th, 2008
Kim Hodashian In a Movie??
But I thought she already made her big debut on the Big screen????????
“I have accepted a part in a major studio film,” Kardashian says. “It’s a comedy. It’s starting the first week in May and it’s filming in Louisiana. I can’t wait.”
Sources tell us it’s a spoof flick in the vein of Scary Movie (and Date Movie, Epic Movie, Superhero Movie…) -source
Monday, January 28th, 2008
Meet the Browns Tailer
That boy (the one that’s in the comedy series) sucks as an actor, but he’s cute in a “a lot of makeup” kind of way…I heart Angela Bassett
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Friday, January 25th, 2008
Why should I care???

I don’t care what leading actor you are let me tell you that this outfit right here is not the sh!t. The dress skirt I would have made with some fabric from the local drug store and them army boots ooooooooooooooooooooh chile STOP!! You are no longer in character you don’t have to put on them stomping boots.
second who will join me in composing a letter to the movie writers to stop with the: bring it on, you got served, stomp the yard, dance with me, save the last dance, step up, crump dancing movies. We get it!! Black people like to dance and stomp like in Africa STOP with the movies. WAIT before I let it go……..if you are going to continue to make these dumb azz movies, please get actors that can dance, speak proper English AND ACT (the acting in these movies are GD awful)
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Monday, October 15th, 2007
Why did I get Married
If you have not seen this movie, please take out your stylus and poke it into your PDA, or if your not into technology grab a pen or pencil and hand write it into your organizer. This Movie is a must see for anyone that has been, in, or going to be in a relationship. You don’t need to be married all you need is some eyes, ears, and a heart. Amen!!
If I must give it a That’s NOT Hott it would have to be Janet Jackson’s piss poor acting, nothing about her acting made me say “WOW Janet is not retarded” she was just…..DRY!
Real talk: for real go see this movie, Tyler Perry did an excellent job, and came back from the Floater (shit) that was “Daddy’s little girls”
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Tuesday, August 14th, 2007
Hott Juicy Gossip
An all black super comedy team !!!???!!! something on to a black version of “Oceans 11″
Director Brett Ratner (Rush Hour 3) has been “quoted” as saying-
“Eddie Murphy came to me with this idea to do a movie with all the comedians, with Chris Tucker – like this is his dream team – we haven’t gotten these actors yet, but Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Jamie Foxx in one movie. “
I would go see it. i don’t care to much for Chris Rock (okay I can’t stand him), because he is quit the CORN BALL, but a black comedian power movie is long overdue. I’m ready to see a gut curdling, knee slapping, gag laughing, crying (until you pee) black comedy. One that’s not all corny and overly stupid dumb, and wondering if you would have had a better time running naked with hot sauce dripping from your body out in traffic
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Thursday, August 09th, 2007
Who Will Play Biggie??
I might go audition for the part of baby biggie. After talks of Doing the Biggie Movie for over 7 years they are now trying to get right about finding the person who will be lucky enough to be/play BIGGIE SMALLS the NOTORIOUS BIG. I didn’t even know anything about this but, i will do my best to follow the story……The article is long but they are serious about casting the right person for the role. I know a few people that might make a good Biggie(a lot cuter) , one of them is even my favorite rapper *Philly P* (wink)
The role of Notorious B.I.G. for an upcoming biopic on the rapper will be found through an open casting call, the film’s producers told The Associated Press on Thursday.
The still untitled Notorious B.I.G. project, which has been in the works for nearly seven years, will seek its star by auditioning actors and non-actors alike who resemble the rapper, whose real name was Christopher Wallace. Anyone can submit audition videos beginning 3 a.m. (EDT) Sunday to or
An official announcement of the online casting call will be made Friday by Fox Searchlight Pictures, which in 2005 secured the rights to a film about the slain rapper. Wallace’s mother, Voletta Wallace, and his two former managers, Wayne Barrow and Mark Pitts, are producing the movie.
“As it relates to the individual Christopher Wallace — his looks, his stature, what he represented, the swagger, the sensibility of the man — all those elements are very difficult to find, no matter where you go,” Barrow said Thursday. “In the typical Hollywood world, no one came to mind outside of Forest Whitaker who could capture that essence genuinely.”
click the links above to send in your audition tapes. Ohh snap it might be to late, as auditions air live on August 13th….see for yourself
read full article HERE
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