Ray-J’s Mom defends her baby
Good Point Momma Norwood… Ray J, Brandy (Bran’Nu) and the Parents recently appeared on the Wendy Williams Show, and in true Wendy fashion she brought up the infamous Ray-J and Kim Sex Tape. The mother, as we all know is very over protective of Ray J and goes on to ask Wendy very good rhetorical questions like: “Did you see Ray-J on Playboy?” “Do you see ray-J posing for other half naked magazines?” she suggest that maybe the finger/blame should not be pointed at Ray-J and maybe it should be directed to the other party. Ray-J’s Mom and Kim had a big legal dispute going on a little while ago, I posted on it but i’m too lazy to go dig up my archives to go look for it. whatever… check out Momma Norwood going in…
More Kim K news to follow….
The King of the ladies
I don’t remember where I go these pics from but I’ve been holding them in my inbox for a while and thought it would be a fitting time to discuss the fact that I could have sworn that young Ray-J was just hugging and kissing all over Whitney, I don’t know what kind of super ding dong he got that he can be blowing the backs out of two superstars but this little brother is good. his love handle must be the kind that makes you say WHOA!!
I don’t know how old these pics are but if they were taken in the last couple of months then I’ll just go right ahead and blame the spread of AIDS and STDs right on Ray-J and his super mangina
Ray-J and Whitney
Really are these two doing this bull sh!t again. I mean I find it disturbing that Whitney is dating a child the age of her 13 year old daughter. regardless of the size of his gold member it’s still against the law and in most states punishable for up to 15 years in prison (maybe more) he’s even dressed like her child (protecting his little head from the sun and rain with that nylon granny rain hat)
Here they are at the fight on Saturday night where Ray-J sang the anthem mad hard. I watched in in Mute so that i can really see the emotion (and LMAO)
Why doesn’t Ray J STFU?
Lil ignent Mofo, sitting there talking about his sex tape, and his “Man Goods”. Despite the fact that Ray-J sounds like a FAGGOT (yes, that word) he also sounds very young and stupid. It’s crazy that he’s saying that he didn’t leak the tape and it could have been her but she claims up and down that it was him. Both of them need to go sit down on the timeout mat and think about how dumb they are. I wonder if I make a sexy tape will that be my claim to fame…hmmmm?
spotted @ ybf
Brandy Lil Brother is at it again
Ray-J is at the porn thing again without the help of Hodashian, but this time with one of the chicks from the washed up group 702 (they used to be the ish)
I wonder if he has to scrap all the herpes and and crabs off his lil wee-ner before he gives the peen a close up with the camera. below is the suspected chick (she attended her is birthday bash recently) I don’t know her name and I don’t think it really matters.
In the below picture he is trying to scratch his pen15 with out anyone noticing. I notice Ray-J. i see your little itchy azz.
One of my patnas in crime Str8nyc reports: Snitches claim the new chick in the flick is one of the members of the once hot Las Vegas RnB girl trio, 702. He claims to have moved on from Kim Kardasshian and now looking to pimp out his newest conquest.
Ray-Gay Stricks again

His New uncut mix tap of the Kim Hoedashian porn is on the market again. such wonderful illustrations….His family must be so proud…..I’m about to go to the check cashing place and see if I can cop me a copy. I wonder if they have those matching hat a sweater sets on sale. Hell, Christmas is coming up and those would make great stocking stuffers.
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