Monday, May 03rd, 2010
Even BET’s Founder Hates BET
The Daily Beast, an Online publication got a chance to talk to the Co-founder of The BET network, She was asked how she felt about BET as a network now that she has left it, and she basically said she hates it, she thinks it’s trash and she wants to burn it to hell, Okay okay she didn’t say it like that and I added my two cents. but she did say that she goes as far as to encourage her children not to watch it. She and her husband sold the company some years back for some billions of dollars and i wonder how she feels about that sale now. anyways, below is what she had to say about the network. smh….
“Don’t even get me started, I don’t watch it. I suggest to my kids [a 20-something daughter and a college-age son] that they don’t watch it… I’m ashamed of it, if you want to know the truth.
It wasn’t always that way. “When we started BET, it was going to be the Ebony magazine on television,” Johnson tells me. “We had public affairs programming. We had news… I had a show called Teen Summit, we had a large variety of programming, but the problem is that then the video revolution started up… And then something started happening, and I didn’t like it all. And I remember during those days we would sit up and watch these videos and decide which ones were going on and which ones were not. We got a lot of backlash from recording artists…and we had to start showing them. I didn’t like the way women were being portrayed in these videos.
Johnson says she no longer has any connection with BET. “I just really wish—and not just BET but a lot of television programming—that they would stop lowering the bar so far just so they can get eyeballs to the screen,” she says. “I know they think that’s what’s going to keep programming on the air; that’s what’s going to sell advertising. But there has got to be some responsibility. Somebody has got to take this over. Because with all the studies that are out there, this is contributing to an atmosphere of free sex, ‘I don’t have to protect myself anymore.’” -source
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Thursday, July 24th, 2008
What Tablet would you take?
I don’t know who came up with the bright idea to make these advertisement spoofs but still i would rather drink a bottle of NyQuil and then sit in a hot tub then to ever take a tablet that would turn me into either Kanye or lying behind Rick Ross. I have enough estrogen in my body to not want to be like Kanye, yes maybe i would be able to spit some tight lyrics on a track and be known as one of the greatest rappers alive but then while I’m not spitting 16 bars and laying down tracks I’ll be somewhere in public crying and carrying on like a Lil b!tch, and screaming about nobody caring about me. Pity parties are only fun for the host….Nah I’ll pass on the Kanye tablet
… and then the Rick Ross being the boss of your own life tablet…HA! by now you should have heard the stories of Rick Ross lying about being a correctional officer back in the day. he went out of his way to say that someone photo-shopped his head on someone else’s body, and that it was a fabricated story to ruin his reputation
When a photo of a uniform-clad Ross surfaced last week of the 32-year-old performer claimed that unnamed “online hackers” put “my face when I was a teenager in high school on other peoples’ body. If this shit was real don’t you think they would have more specifics, like dates and everything?” He added, “Fake pictures are created by the fake, meant to entertain the fake.”
…all to find out that ( i think it was SmokingGun) that got a hold of papers that showed evidence of it actually being Mr Ross Boss. so i’ll PASS on that tablet too, cause i might turn into a big fat stupid lier, for no reason…cause who the hell cares what you used to do before you got in the game and made it big as a rapper. Now you look as Fraudulent as Akon, and that doesn’t make you anybodies boss.
Wednesday, June 25th, 2008
TNHOTT Awards: Worst Performance EVER
Every years these two buffoons do the same buffoonery and embarrass Black America more then it has been all night, and it hurts my feelings and makes me want to cry…. Lil Kim could possibly be the scariest thing i have ever seen in my life.
Friday, April 25th, 2008
Her Butt is a Fraud
That’s just nasty, and if she loved herself she would sue the doctors that did that mess to her. I’m pretty sure she has silicone poisoning in her blood steam. It reminds me of the story with the lady who’s Butt implants went ALL types of WRONG Lola get your life together and help yourself before it’s too late…Nobody wants to have a saggy, droopy, flabby, nasty, booty dragging on the floor behind them
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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008
Can I get a STFU!!
Having turned 18 in 1985, the now-41-year-old has missed out on the past five presidential elections because she “never knew the dates or anything.”
She said it was important to vote in this one, though, because otherwise, she wouldn’t have a right to complain on The View about whomever is elected for an entire year
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Thursday, August 30th, 2007
What was that keyshia??
In a recent interview with sister2sister magazine (she will be on the cover of the October issue) Kyshia talks about her fascination with Mary J, and how she thinks they are alike. I pulled this little piece out of the interview because after reading it my brain started to hurt a little.
I’ll give a dollar to the person who can figure out what the hell she was trying to say…
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Thursday, August 23rd, 2007
This is NOT okay!!

The shows will be taped at the WaMu Theatre at Madison Square Garden on September 10th and 11th.
I bet no one has paid attention to what the hell post is actually about (because your to busy looking at fake Oprah’s buffy he body mutant ass look-a-like)…Oprah is coming to tape her first two shows on NY!!! dammit people LMAO!!! I can’t even help it LOL!!. the world is ridiculous and we are all going to hell……….LOL (it’s so not funny)
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