Thursday, May 06th, 2010
Waka Flocka Finds and Wears A Wig
First of all this is not a picture from that night… Second I just want you to focus on the video.
While in the middle of what seems like a hell of a performance, A fight breaks out in the crowd. It doesn’t seem to stop Waka Flocka from bouncing around and talking his special language. Apparently someones wig gets snatched off and Waka Flocka gets a hold of it and decides that he will just wear it… Who cares right a wig is wig and good wigs are hard to find.
What struck me is NOT, the fact that he put on someone’s nasty ass sweaty wig, but the actual sweat that was pouring from the bodies of him and his people on stage is what had me in shock and horror. I can’t imagine the stench and stickiness of that whole party situation. His body is literally wet with sweat and that club looks like it’s a fire hazard to life. Call me uppity but I hate the feeling of someones wet body rubbing up against me in a dingy ass club. UNLESS it’s a soca party (small disclaimer)
But, OOOHHH LE DOOOO IT *shrugs*
Thursday, January 03rd, 2008
Chinese People get Crunk too
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned:
“Today is a special day for The Olympic Channel, and a special day for Mr. Zhang Bin, and for me too. Because just two hours ago, I found out that besides me, Mr. Zhang Bin has been maintaining an improper relationship with another woman.”
Well Hott damn….Wifey is maddddddd. Hu Ziwei – The wife of Chinese sports anchor, Zhang Bin got belligerent when she went to an Olympic event and on TV accused her husband of cheating on her…
Now this is sad because obviously she’s pissed,BUT do NOT think for one minute that she will not be punished. They are going to tie her azz up to some bamboo and stone her in the temple for disrespecting her husband….SHAME!!
flix via dlisted
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Monday, December 31st, 2007
Miss France is a Hott Slut
PARIS (AP) — Miss France 2008 will keep her crown, despite racy photos that appeared recently in a gossip magazine, but will not compete in the Miss World or Miss Universe pageants.
Valerie Begue, 22, will not be stripped of the title she won Dec. 8, but will not be allowed to take part in upcoming international competitions, Miss France organizers said Friday.
Begue described the outcome as “a compromise which satisfies all parties.”
The pageant’s criteria stipulates that candidates must “never have posed or exhibited (themselves) in dubious outfits or poses, partially or totally nude.” -source
God please don’t strike down my blog for posting such Blasphemy…….Forgive her father….she knows not what she does…..
it pisses me off to see people try to mimic the it was some kind of damn joke…they should have beat her ass with the cat of 9 and then let her keep her damn crown since she thinks she is Jesus…..I’m getting pissed so I’ll be finished with this….AMEN!!
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Monday, December 31st, 2007
Monkey doodle foolishness
in the words of B. Scott, Raz-b got some e-balls when he decided to put of this garage ass video….. STOP IT!!
seeing that this video dropped a few day before the molestation acusations…I’m going to be nice
Where do I start?? I like the senuality… can really tell the right of passage into man-hood (obviously I hate this video and I have nothing nice to say so i’m going to stop here)
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Friday, October 12th, 2007
Soulja Girl
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Friday, October 05th, 2007
Hott New Video!! TRASH
Gimme More….Time, to take my shoe off and throw it at whoever allowed this video to air.
This is hands down the worst thing ever in music video history, I thought it might have been the youtube people’s fault but it’s not……actually I think i might have filmed this in the dark with my “first” razor phone that I refuse to give up, but i would be selling my little ride or die razor’s capabilities short. I would like to know: Who does trash like this? If the Mickey Mouse club wasn’t already dead and buried i bet they would have hung there heads in shame and embarrassment
maybe it’s just my version because i refuse to believe this is an actual video. let me wipe off my trifocals and really get to focusing on the mess that I’m actually subjecting myself and you readers to watch.
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Monday, September 17th, 2007
Lil’Mama AKA Lil Ugly
I ain’t one to just outright call people kids ugly with out putting a little twist on it like oh she “is not pretty” but lil’Mama is one of them people I would have to stay seriously disturbs my corneas…
Because her biggest hit and only really hit is “Lip Gloss be poppin” why is it that every picture she take…she has to give the little ‘lip poke out” with that ugly a$$ lip gloss. No seriously look at the pics…notice the lip pout/poke. I HATE IT!! makes me want spit!!

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Thursday, August 23rd, 2007
Hott Video of the Day
Right now i can’t even write properly because i’m all red in the face and crying from this damn video clip!!! I’m doubled over and knee slapping!!!! ROFLMBAO!!!!!
Did anyone frigging see..LOL…The way this nicca was kicking at her and swinging like he was part of the UMMBUTOO tribe warriors. LOL…he is pisser that a ma’fugger…..LOL thanks Fadi
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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007
Barns and Nobles does not sell TRASH!!
Fred Goldman has gone ahead and published the book that OJ had someone ghostwrite
Barns and Noble will not carry the book……and Borders have decided to not market the book in any way(but they will carry it)….
I frigging agree with the bookstores, this man has constantly been making money off of the death of his son and OJ’s dead wife…..already he has been awarded 38 MILLION dollars for the wrongful death suite of his boy…..

It’s a damn shame when your family exploits your death to make a few million dollars. All the money from that book should be going to his kids, or in a fund for battered woman or something other then allowing Fred Goldman to roll around naked in his son’s death money
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Thursday, August 16th, 2007
I’d Rather Wear a Trash bag!!

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