Tuesday, May 04th, 2010
Kobe is America’s SweetTart/heart
To all you Kobe fans…. Come get your boy….!
(he may need to stay out of his wife’s closet #imjustsaying)
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Wednesday, August 13th, 2008
American’s next Top Tranny
Right now the blog world is all excited because Tyra will allow a Transvestite to make it unto America’s Next Top Model and compete to make it to the top… Well I’m not excited, Why because Jaslene the winner of cycle 9 HAS A PENIS….
Anyways “Isis” who reportedly was in season 10 as one of the homeless broads that was in one of the first photoshoots as a prop (see pic below) will be that special tranny to bless us with her deep voice and tiny vision of her nuts ever so often, in this coming season set to start sometime around September 12ish I think.
I’m an ANTM feign, so I think I’ll start up with my Hott caps of the show every week. it’s time i bring back the sh!t that put me on the map in the first place.
Friday, April 18th, 2008
It’s Time for an intervention
Cause this chile needs to be infused with cake, biscuits, muffins, pies, and donuts. It is unlawful and dangerous to be that skinny. She so skinny she looks like she stinks. Like her pored are filled with caca (I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit)

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Friday, March 28th, 2008
1st Annual Fiercee Awards

Jade needs to STOP cause if Bianca looks like a little boy in a dress then Jade looks like a grown azz man in a dress. and I will stop there cause it’s face is bothering me.
Stop sucking it in Kienya(or how ever the hell you smell her name), just lay off the damn donuts and fried food. and I know Tyra did not teach you to pose all stuck up and stupid like that.
too see more visit C+D
Wednesday, March 26th, 2008
There is Trouble is Tyra Land
MSNBC via OK reports: There’s been no shortage of tales about Tyra Banks’ personality conflicts on the set of “America’s Next Top Model,” but the latest might be the most interesting since it could have a lasting impact on the show. OK! magazine reports that Banks isn’t getting along with photo shoot creative director Jay Manuel, and her days on the show could be numbered.
“It’s gotten so bad that Tyra and Jay aren’t speaking,” an insider told OK! magazine. The selective silent treatment isn’t limited to Manuel, either. “Tyra barely interacts with the contestants and only wants to show up on judging day,” the source told the magazine.
Rumor has it that Tyra is looking for a new host to replace her on the set so that she can focus more on her talk show ( i think she’s really trying to give Oprah a run for her money) the only people i can see taken over the show is ME, Iman, or Naomi Campbell, I think I would be the best choice because I have way more time on my hands then the other two. it’s not like Tyra does anything else on the show except take HOTT pics after all of the contestants take theirs. but i can do that too. i have mastered the art of smiling with my FACE.Now fighting with pretty man Mr Jay is another NO!NO but i don’t blame her for not talking to him, that man is way to pretty. I don’t understand why he is so prefect…ly gay. Hotsauce 08′
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Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
America’s Next Top Slobs
Tyra and her nasty behind models have gone and F’d up now. Looks like home training in not a requirement for being on top model, those bunch of skinny diva’s just about destroyed the apartment that they were living in. I hang my head in shame. Naturally the land lord of the apartment that the heffa’s were living in sued Tyra and the show for something the models should have learned back in their childhood… “Clean up after yourself”
Anisa Productions, which makes the show hosted by Tyra Banks, rented the loft at 39 Lispenard St., promising landlord Michael Marvisi that any damage would be minor, according to an insider.
“These girls not only destroyed the floors, it appears they had food fights. There’s ketchup and coffee splattered all over the landlord’s $20,000 white drapes. There’s lipstick on the walls,” said the insider. “They moved in furniture and made holes all along the walls.”
“The landlord is devastated,” the source said. “Three other shows approached him [to use the loft] and he turned them all down for ‘Top Model.’ And a tenant was supposed to move in a week ago, but when the place wasn’t ready, they pulled out. Tyra Banks should be ashamed of herself.”
The show offered to settle for $125,000, but has not paid Marvisi any money, according to our insider. The landlord now plans to file a lawsuit against the show
. -source
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Friday, March 07th, 2008
Toccara, Tyra would not be happy….
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Friday, February 15th, 2008
It’s almost that time again
I already got my favorite couch cushion ready and waiting for me to glue my fat booty on it. My eyes are ready to get back into the full swing of top model. I’m excited like Sean kingston at a wedding cake tasting. Yum!!
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Friday, February 08th, 2008
Tyra that is not the toilet
I’m pretty sure that while Tyra was pooping in her panties that she popped a squat just like in the picture above. we all know that Tyra didn’t poopie her self *cough cough* but for the sake of entertainment and extreem gossip I’m going to run with it and from now call her Tyra “doodoo head” Banks. On a not so stinky tip…Top model startes on the 20th YAY?!?
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Friday, January 25th, 2008
Arn’t you starving?
Is food not a requirement in being healthy? He dress would be cute if she had a body. Skin and bones has never been the poster child for SEXY….I think and intervention is needed. it’s not natural for a Puerto Rican not to eat…Spanish people thrive on carbs and grease. Something is wrong here, what’s the number to the Puerto Rican board of healthy eating.
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