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Who looked the FOOLEST? "Sister edition"

I love my “Who looked the foolest” competitions. Where YOU get to help me decide who pisses me off the most. I firmly believe that fashion is dead and with these two helping out with my theory, it was only right that they ended up in a “who looks the foolest”

Big Sister Beyonce….


Kid Sister Solange

Either way they both need to be slapped….


Who looked the Foolest: Cassie vs. Rihanna

I haven’t done one of these in a long time… Even though I think the hair cut is cute in a hard rocker kind of way, I don’t agree with woman just randomly shaving off there hair just because they have money to buy some more. So with that said

Who looked the foolest: Cassie did it first, and Rhianna followed behind


What say you?


Who looked the foolest: Put your clothes back on

Dude from Pretty Ricky


Dude, that still has a Ricky


Who looked the foolest: Randy Vs. kanye

I didn’t know how to lump (no pun intended..maybe just a lil one) these two pics together so I had to do one of these “foolest” post, both of them were too special to have their own post so I’ll just have a lil contest, i think you guys enjoy these things anyways… so lets start

Will it be Randy in his skinny jeans and half tucked in faded shirt, and red shoes

Kanye and his lady lumps, and pointy azz nipples


Who looked the foolest: Bruised preacher or first lady

I don’t know when this foolishness took place i think it was about a year ago, that Juanita Bynum wife of Bishop Thomas Weeks displayed her beat down by her husband all over the media outlets. I guess you have to get that publicity however you can….. So for today’s who looked the foolest it’s:

Jaunita Bynum


Lisa Raye who got savagely bitten by her husband Primer Mishiek (however you spell it) least not forget how she sunk her teeth in his cheating ass too.

Ladies this is not the way to gain sympathy, keep your private affairs to your self, if it’s really that bad call the police and pray. domestic violence is not a damn publicity game.

Who looked the foolest: Raven or the Hair broad

I was surfing NB page when my heart stood still in mid beat, and I had to squeeze out a fart just so someone would could come save me….. I don’t really have anymore to say except: Who looked the foolest (this one is a hard one)

The ghetto Rapunzel w/belt set


Raven Damn Simone: looking like they opened the door to the padded room too wide to give her her meds and she escaped, she sort of reminds me of that scene in Ace ventura, I think raven got her outfit idea from that (see video below)


Who looked the foolest: a sexy man thing vs. A girl i think?

Andre Leon Talley ( I think that’s it’s name)


One of the chicks from crime mob: Diamond/Princess (what the hell ever)

This is going to be a hard one…


Who looked the foolest: Waxed Tyra vs. Waxed Wino

Amy Winehouse wishes to goodness that she looked that clean, well that’s an overstatement cause i think Amy relishes in the fact that she’s a dirty waste of talent crackhead mess. So with that being said.. Which wax figure looked the foolest?

Amy Winehouse as what she should look like or…


Tyra Big Head Banks…that wax figure looks nothing like her..they should have had her with her mouth open making an ugly obnoxious face.


Who looked the foolest: B!tch vs. B!tch

So the Queen Mess of Radio turn talk show host (Wendy Williams) and The Wicked witch of all directions (Omarosa) decided that it was a good idea to come together to talk about Omarosa’s new book “B!tch b!tch and more Bitch” (The B!tch Switch)

To sum it up things didn’t work out to well when Wendy kinda called Omarosa and Angry black woman and Omarosa kinda calls her a Buffoon. They then proceed to jab at each other’a personal life, and plastic surgeries, botox, and hairlines…. until Wendy decides to check her about who’s show she is on and dismisses her from the stage. Good stuff!!!

If you have trouble viewing/hearing click here


Who looked the foolest: Katie Holmes vs. Kelis

Katie Holmes looking the fool with black socks and sandals


Kelis and her whole entire outfit system……*weeping*

What say you…

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