Why I Tweet!
The Good Mighty Technicolored Coat Lord and Father Jesus, created TWITTER for my own benefit. Some of you want to have cool twitter names like @ikickbabies and @mycooltwittername and get thousands upon thousands of followers and Trend on Topics all the live long day and annoy the shit out of people {read as: ME}, and that’s all fine and dandy…
BUT I tweet because it helps me organize the thoughts in my head. it helps me let out the confusion that causes migraines and gas. I have really bad gas on any given day because I’m full of shit. I’m serious I’m one of those people that can honestly say with conviction that I’m full of shit. So having a twitter accounts helps me Help YOU understand why I am what I am and why I do what I do, ANDDDD it acts as a form of verbal gas-x.
I realized that often times my thoughts are RANDOM… one minute I can be talking about sandwiches…. and the next minute I’m looking for a street pharmacist that sells Flintstones vitamins. I’m a melting pot of uncertainties, and even while sitting here writing this post, I realize that none of this makes a load of sense. It’s entertaining none the less and you know you love it.
So many people use twitter to do so many things, my favorite of all is @DaRealKhia follow her if you dare!! here’s an example: These are the real reasons to enjoy twitter… KHIA cause she’s the baddest BITCH and I STAN for her ALLLLLLLLLLLL DAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!
Amy gets High and still gets payed
I want to know how is it that everyone knows your high and that your blood can pretty much supply a small village enough crack to keep them high for 2 months and people still offer you 2 MILLION dollars to perform. Amy Crackhouse is too far gone to understand that type of opportunities that she would have if she just cleaned herself up and started to do right. I guess that’s what happens when your too talented for your own good. Too bad that talent is only a eight ball away from being wiped out.
Rush & Molloy report that Amy actually managed to show up and do the gig – but not without incident. It took her handlers a couple hours to pull her together because she showed up “in no condition to appear.” When she did make it down a red carpet, she smoked and revealed that she was going full commando.
A source says that her actual singing was “sloppy,” but that she put on a “terrific show.” -source
They make stuff for that
besides from American Idol reject Latoya London’s little outfit being sooooo cute I’m sure that she could have excised her rights to apply a little more deodorant to her arm pits before she left the house (maybe even some baby powder). I will not act like I don’t know how hot it can get out there but SERIOUSLY come on….It is WAY NOT sexy to have your armpits all juiced out in front of the photogs in a sexy little dress. That my friend is a big NONO. If she needed to she should have place paper towels in a neat little way under her arms until she got inside in the AC (stand in front of a fan and air out, do something)….I tell you these people give me reasons to talk trash….
And guess who’s fault it is……I ain’t even going to say it because I know she’s watching me
They Got the lil Crazy Girl
If you havn’t seen this already: It’s really quit out -of- control
Police in Atlanta’s public transportation have issued a warrant for the arrest of a young woman known as “Soulja Girl” after she was seen violently rebuking an elderly woman on a subway line.
The woman was seen screaming on the train at the elderly woman while reciting lyrics to the rapper Soulja Boy.
The woman is seen on a widely-viewed video screaming, “Yaaa, n***a, yaaa” and “I’ma beat you’re a** on this train.”
She also called the senior citizen a hoe and a b***h and threatened to kill her.
Wanda Y. Dunham, the chief of police for Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), issued a statement requesting help in arresting the female. -source
And She’s a wrap: They said she has bipoloar disorder and that while in jail she is getting the treatment she needs. She is 25 years old and has a son.
Read HERE for more on Soulja Girl
pic via sandra rose
Al Sharpton Arrested?
My Sharpy was arrested yesterday and no one even told until last night..I needed to prepare so that I could sell my goodies on the street corner to post bail. I commend my boo for standing up for his rights and the rights of the people. Sean Bells wife was also arrested in the protest against that NY city police jerks that were acquitted for shooting Sean 50 damn time…..damn stankin shame.
The demonstrations were described as “pray-ins” and were designed to gain attention by peacefully bringing the city’s busy traffic centers to a crawl. Organizers made certain that the estimated 1,000 participants were ready and willing to be arrested and, sure enough, 216 people from six protest locations were taken into custody. Interested persons with warrants or otherwise legal issues pending were urged not to participate.
That number includes Sharpton, the slain man’s would-be bride, and the two shooting survivors, each of whom lined up and calmy put their hands behind their backs as police arrested them on disorderly conduct charges, according to the AP. They were released about four hours later, said Sharpton spokeswoman Rachel Noerdlinger.
Trust Fund for the Bell Kids
Beyonce’s husband has set up a trust found for the bell kids. I can’t even be mad….it’s a sad sad thing what happened tho their daddy….and I commend Sean Carter big time for stepping up. Like i always say…i might not like that man but I respect his hustle. He’s a good guy in my book.

Sources have confirmed with AllHipHop.com that Jay-Z is working closely with Nicole Paultre Bell, Sean Bell’s widow, to institute the trust funds for both of their children.
Nicole Bell appeared prominently in Jay-Z’s Rocawear “I Will Not Lose” advertising campaign with images that caused indignation within the NYPD’s Benevolent Association. -source
When bad feet happen to Pretty girls

Rhianna says: It’s not a dance-a-long
My email inbox is over flowing with people trying to get my opinion of Rhianna banding umbrella’s at her concerts. I just want to know when the hell did the Umbrella song become a damn dance-a-long. You know something is wrong when Rhianna is replacing Dora the Explorer’s with kid friendly dance moves (somebody get me Rhianna’s instructional DVD, i want to learn).
My other question is ARE PEOPLE REALLY BRING THERE OWN UMBRELLA TO THE CONCERTS TO REALLY DO THE UMBRELLA DANCE??? if so I have a good piece of Advice GET A DAMN LIFE. I refuse to believe that grown azz people are getting in the islands and mimicking the foolishness they see on stage…
And you ask why I’m so angry!
Andy McDonald, a security guard at the Aberdeen Exhibition Centre, where Rihanna performed on Monday Feb. 3, said: “We were taking precautions over a potential accident. We were told Rihanna’s song features dancing with umbrellas on stage. We didn’t want the crowd following her actions and someone getting their eye poked out.”
The decision follows reports of several injuries caused by umbrella-related incidents during Rihanna’s recent European dates.
One fan due to attend one of the singer’s upcoming shows said: “I was really looking forward to whipping out my umbrella during the song. I have been practicing the routine for weeks but it has all been for nothing.” -source
Juvenile’s daughter Slain

The 32-year-old rapper is still trying to cope with the death of 4-year-old Jelani; her mother, 39-year-old Joy Deleston; and the woman’s daughter Micaiah, 11, whose bodies were found Thursday night in their home, said manager Aubrey Francis.
Anthony Tyrone Terrell Jr., 17, has been charged with murder in the deaths of his mother, her 11-year-old daughter and Jelani, who was fathered by Juvenile. -source
Calling Nurse Superhead
Man down Man down…..I’ve fallen and I can’t get up…..
“It happened so fast, man. I was talking to George and the next thing I knew was that I was on my back with this big wood two-by-four between me { hotsauce- too easy},” McCrary told me via cell phone from Michigan, where he was recovering.
The actor said he didn’t break anything, but suffered a lot of tissue bruising and extreme pain in his lower back. -source
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