The Black Sex in the City/Girlfriends
Look at what we have here…
A new Sex in the City/Girlfriends is in the works, but with a twist. The networks seem to hate lady bonding shows, and want to keep playing us on weather or not “Girlfriends” will be picked up, or even if they would be ever so kind as to bring back “The Game”. At this point it seems like we won’t need them. Thanks to Queen Latifa, who is coming out with a scripted show “Single Ladies” with Stacy Dash, Lisa Ray McCoy, and Lauren London …. (source)
Stacy Dash’s Characheter: “My character is very similar to my own life because I’ve never been single. Literally, since I’ve been 17 years old. She’s never been married, the character than I’m playing, whereas I’ve been married three times, so that’s the difference,” Dash says. “It’s a really good script.”
Lisa Ray’s Charachter: “She doesn’t have one of anything nor does she believe in having one man. She believes in dating and being able to explore her possibilities. She’s much like Samantha of Sex in the City,” explains the Player’s Club star. “Very straight up and honest. She’s the one that has that spunk, I’d like to say that she’s the slut of the three.”
Lauren London: plays a younger, semi-shy character married to an NBA player. Although London will be a recurring character in the show, her rep confirms that the role is small.
I have high hopes for this show… I’m rather tired of watching reality shows, seeing people acting the fool and it being the real them… I want to see some fake trash. Something to give me hope that not everyone in the world is a real life piece of shit. Right now all we know about the show “Single Ladies” is that 4 day rehearsals begin this week in Atlanta, and as of right now there is no known official start date.
I Blame Tyra!!
A woman was brutally stabbed last Wednesday because she wouldn’t stop talking during an episode of “America’s Next Top Model.” The 42-year-old was watching the program with a group of friends at a Columbia City apartment near Seattle, WA.
Another woman told the victim to stop talking, but got a refusal according to SeattlePI.com. She then opened the apartment door and demanded that the talker leave – a move that escalated the situation into a physical altercation. At some point during the fight the woman retrieved a paring knife from a nearby table and began stabbing the talker in the chest. Others in the group then pulled the knife away and the assailant ran off, according to police reports.
Medics were called and the victim was rushed to Harborview Medical Center, where donor blood was needed because the stab wounds were so severe, said police spokesman Jeff Kappel.
Police found a clump of hair that was snatched out during the fight in a garbage can, but did not find a weapon. The suspect is still at large.-source
After reading this story I can’t really blame the chick that stabbed up the other one. There are certain shows that i watch that i just don’t allow talking around. When i watch TV I’m in the zone. any noise, any outside chatter really pisses me off. I understand exactly how that stabber felt. like really lady….”Please STFU” but the lady wouldn’t be quite so the stabber did the only thing she could…Stabbed the Sh!t out of her, made sure her show was being taped and took off. The End. I think probation would be justifiable.
On one hand you have Jayonce playing the fool and being ultra secretive about their wedding…On the other hand you have the people that are supposed to keep there marriage holy and sacred yet everywhere you turn they are on the news. To make things even worst Juanita Bynum and her husband have decided to take there DIVORCE to TV and have it… not only aired out to the media but on a cheesy court T.V show. Hell has just added more coal to the furnace.
In episodes scheduled to air Thursday and Friday, Bynum also says she had thoughts of suicide and weighs in on a case involving domestic violence. When asked what advice she had for women in situations similar to hers, she said, “I have to make a decision … to take the love that I had for him with me.”
In a transcript of the show obtained by The Associated Press, Bynum said she would always love Weeks, but made a decision to “love me more.” source
The Moment of Truth
This show is the DEVIL, I’m sure it will be around for America as America promotes the dysfunction of families.
Tell me what you think……i don’t want to reveal what happens because i want to know your honest opinion. I’ll be passing through the comment section all day if you want to say your piece. I’ll def say what’s on my mind in the comment section.
In the words of my BF “WHITE FOLKS……(SMH)”
NY post update:”We’re kind of up in the air right now – I want to [get back together], but I don’t think he does,” Lauren said in their tiny apartment in Piermont.
“It’s not very easy to overcome,” said Frank, a cop with the 48th Precinct in The Bronx.
Frank Cleri said he had been aware of his wife’s cheating but not prepared for the emotional drain of their going public with it for the money.
Standing tensely next to his wife yet still wearing his wedding ring, he said, “Everything that was mentioned during this show, we had talked about before. We’ve had our issues. Unfortunately, now they’re not just our problems. Everyone knows about it.” -source
Word of advice
Black people I encourage you to stay away from the birthday cake foundation. Go and spend your money on a foundation that matches your skin. Black people with white people makeup is unfair and an abomination to the world.
Flava Flav: It’s Show time!
Dammit another show that depicts blacks as dumb idiots that I will be inclined to watch every week. I hate not having and values when it comes to what I will and will not watch on TV… For some reason I love to watch blacks act a damn fool. If you can’t beat em by getting these shows off the air, I say join em and be merry.
This picture is a damn mess!
The network has ordered 13 episodes of “Under One Roof,” a show that network president Greg Meidel describes as “a classic fish-out-of-water story.”
Coming Soon: ANTM cycle 9
let me start picking out my favorites and the ones that I’ll end up wanting to spit on before the show is over. I’m also excited to hear Tyra tell me what prizes the winner will get and also, how many photos she has left and, how only one girl will stay while the other one is to immediately go get her her stuff and get the stepping.
well anyways here are you contestants for ANTM cycle 9, be sure that it you miss the show you check in with me and I’ll give you a play by play of all the foolishness these young girl do to piss eachother off.
source:(I forgot)
Friday "The Animated Series"
Back in April rumor had it that Ice Pop and Chris Tucker were going to be joining forces again to make a Friday 4, but that was deaded before i even came on the blogging seen to confirm the rumors my darn self… I’ll pay money to see that movie cause I think Chris Tucker is a fool, and he’s Hott (my kind of man)……
Soooo…..The other day i don’t remember what day it was, but I’m on the phone with the Boo and I’m flipping channels and i come across this cartoon that has someone that looks like Condi Rice, and she turning all psycho and sh!t, and if i were not on the phone i think i would have watched it….come to find out it’s “Friday-The animated series”……
Tyra is on Top
For all of us Top Model lovers…I bring you GREAT NEWS….wait for it, wait for it………America’s Next Top Model has signed contracts to go on through 2010…most of us if living in Boston will be shot dead by then….(but that’s another issue) but for those of us that will be alive and kicking set your TVs from now…….Cycle 9 will premiere on September 19th on the CW

Girlfriends, The Game, Everybody Hates Chris (and i really do hate Chris), and the above mentioned favorite, will also be coming back this fall…
The wildly popular CW Monday Night Comedy Block returns on October 1 with Chris Rock’s “Everybody Hates Chris’ once again leading off the night (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET), followed by the new “racially charged” series premiere of ‘Aliens in America’ (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET). The night closes out its premiere Monday with the season premieres of ‘Girlfriends‘(9:00-9:30 p.m. ET) and the second season of ‘The Game’ (9:30-10:00 p.m. ET).
In Other Pregnant News
Look who’s Knocked up!!K-fed done did it again(Shar 7 weeks preggers). She is tragic. She should go to Charm School, cause she’s WHACK!!
June 13, 2007 — KEVIN Federline may have morning sickness, which could last for nine months when he reads this – but this is to tell him his on-again-off-again-and-for-sure-lately very on-again romance with Shar Jackson seems to have produced yet another baby between them. She’s into her seventh week, and at the instant I write this he doesn’t know. Star magazine is saying she’s hoping this brings them back together as a family. Ugh. Oy. Eee-yewww. Kevin the Insect. -Cindy Adams (New York Post)
Rosie has been replacedWhoppie might be getting the pay check that Rosie wanted, and that’s her homegirl. They say Whoopie has a big opinion but is less likely to be an angry B!tch

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