R.I.P GURU July 1966 – April 2010
The Hip Hop Community mourns as one of their legendary rappers has passed. Rapper Guru ended his fight against cancer, just a month after suffering from a heart attack. Guru’s Partner and long time collaborator Solar, who Guru has left all legal decisions up to regarding his estate left this statement:
“The world has lost one of the best MCs and hip-hop icons of all-time — my loyal best friend, partner, and brother, Guru,” Solar said. “Guru has been battling cancer for well over a year and has lost his battle! This is a matter that Guru wanted private until he could beat it, but tragically, this did not happen. The cancer took him. Now the world has lost a great man and a true genius.”
Before his death, while battling with Cancer Guru wrote a letter to his fans that he wanted released after he dies, it reads:
“I have a non-profit organization called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting.
“My loyal best friend, partner and brother, Solar, has been at my side through it all and has been made my health proxy by myself on all matters relating to myself. He has been with me by my side on my many hospital stays, operations, doctors visits and stayed with me at my home and cared for me when I could not care for myself. Solar and his family is my family and I love them dearly and I expect my family, friends, and fans to respect that, regardless to anybody’s feelings on the matter. It is my wish that counts. This being said I am survived by the love of my life, my sun KC, who I trust will be looked after by Solar and his family as their own. Any awards or tributes should be accepted, organized approved by Solar on behalf [of] myself and my son until he is of age to except on his own.”
but with all things related to hip hop, there is always some drama. Guru and his Ex-Dj Premier had a falling out sometime ago and never really addressed or fixed the issue, after working with each other for over 10 years. I don’t think anybody really knows what happened, all we know is that it was something that was bad enough that left these two friends very distant from eachtoher… I don’t know… this guy (blogger) has and interesting view on what happened CLICK HERE if you want to get into some of the drama.
In Guru’s letter to his fans, he had this to say about Premier:
“I do not wish my ex-DJ to have anything to do with my name likeness, events, tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this,” wrote Guru. “I had nothing to do with him in life for over 7 years and want nothing to do with him in death. Solar has my life story and is well informed on my family situation, as well as the real reason for separating from my ex-DJ.”
hmmm seems like there is a lot more to this story… that I don’t have the care to look into.
Rest in Peace Guru
Tune in today on HOT97boston.com as Boston’s Dj Chubby Chub does a special tribute to Guru
Isn’t it Ironic…don’t you think
Soul Men, a movie about death and grieving…..unfortunately just lost two of its three cast members. By now you have heard that both Bernie Mac (50) and Isaac Hays (65), have both passed away this weekend. Bernie from complications of pneumonia and Isaac, an exercising accident. With so much grief going on it would only be fitting to postpone the release of the movie, but would that really make the shock and grief go away? right now film producers are trying to decide what to do with the movie, should they hold off until next year or should they leave it at it’s November release date?
To sum it up everything about death sucks…especially when your young and still have your whole life to live, Bernie was only 50…. Both of them will be greatly missed.
In one weekend, a significant portion of the movie’s (Soul Men) primary cast has been wiped out. The film stars Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac, and yes, the recently late, great Isaac Hayes in the story of two estranged soul legends (played by Jackson and Mac) who reunite at the Apollo Theater to honor their recently deceased band leader. Principle photography was already finished, so there should be no problem with getting it ready for release, but you have to wonder now whether or not Dimension Films will want to release it.
Death is a big subject in the film. The entire plot of the movie revolves around Mac and Jackson eulogizing the death of their friend with music, only now two members of the film’s actual cast really are dead. Three days ago it sounded like a fantastic idea for a film, especially in light of the way Sam Jackson belted out blues tunes in Black Snake Moan. Now, it seems almost too sad to watch. Buying a ticket to Soul Men could end up feeling like you’re purchasing a seat at someone’s funeral. -source
He wasn’t there
This is so sad…in the upcoming issue of XXL (or maybe it’s already out) Who Cares, but in whatever issue of XXL that Foxy brown is own, she opens up in the magazine (no not her legs) but her heart to tell the story of friendship gone sour between her and Jay-Z. She says how when she needed him Jay-Z just wasn’t there. it’s a tear-jerker and it actually makes you feel like sending her a build-a-bear and telling her that you care…..
“A lot of things have happened over the years between Jay and I,” she says of the man who signed her to a multimillion-dollar deal at Def Jam in 2005, nine years after their classic duet “Ain’t No N*gga” gave him his first radio hit. “But there’s an unbreakable bond that will never die. 50 wanted me to be part of his team so bad. He was like, ‘Look, I’ll do it with Jay, half and half.’ And, of course, Jay said no. At one point, 50 asked, ‘Why do you have so much loyalty to this N*gga?’ Jay and I have history. There are things that he could have done better, as far as his loyalty to me, and I’m sure I’ve made mistakes that he felt he could’ve prevented.” Foxy chokes up. “When I lost my hearing, Jay gave me the respect to go heal myself. He stuck with me along the way. But there are times when I just really needed him, and it wasn’t even about Foxy Brown and Jay-Z. It was just like, ‘I need you to help me save my life,’ and he just wasn’t there.”
The tears are streaming down her cheeks. “I would never denounce him in public. That’s just how I feel. But I’ve been incarcerated for eight months, and Jay’s been everywhere, and he hasn’t mentioned one thing about, ‘Tell her I love her. Tell her to be strong.’ That broke my heart more than anything. When they sent me to jail, I just knew he would be there-everyone came. But he never showed up… My mother always says,jay also said this,in the tru life freestyle ‘Inga, when a person shows you who they are, believe them. Been showing me all through the years and you just don’t wanna believe it.’” -source
Aaliyah covers Fader
Fader’s Annual Icon issue is saluting Aaliyah in this years edition.

I decided to use this quote from BFF Missy, because Missy shows that even on a serious note…black people still refuse to use proper spelling and grammar usage. I’M SAD!!
Missy Elliott:
“We was gonna save the world. We was gonna change music every chance we got. We was gonna always be family. Forever.”
Al Sharpton Arrested?
My Sharpy was arrested yesterday and no one even told until last night..I needed to prepare so that I could sell my goodies on the street corner to post bail. I commend my boo for standing up for his rights and the rights of the people. Sean Bells wife was also arrested in the protest against that NY city police jerks that were acquitted for shooting Sean 50 damn time…..damn stankin shame.
The demonstrations were described as “pray-ins” and were designed to gain attention by peacefully bringing the city’s busy traffic centers to a crawl. Organizers made certain that the estimated 1,000 participants were ready and willing to be arrested and, sure enough, 216 people from six protest locations were taken into custody. Interested persons with warrants or otherwise legal issues pending were urged not to participate.
That number includes Sharpton, the slain man’s would-be bride, and the two shooting survivors, each of whom lined up and calmy put their hands behind their backs as police arrested them on disorderly conduct charges, according to the AP. They were released about four hours later, said Sharpton spokeswoman Rachel Noerdlinger.
Corinee Bailey Rae’s husband Dies
The husband of soul singer Corinne Bailey Rae has died after a suspected drugs overdose.
Police found Jason Rae’s body after being called to his home in Leeds.
It is not known whether his wife, who is best known for the hit Put Your Records On, was with him when he died.
Officers arrested a 32-year-old man on suspicion of drug dealing.
According to friends, Mr Rae, 31, was known to have addiction problems.
“He partied a lot and had struggled with drugs for years,” said one.
He met his wife in a jazz club and they married in 2001, well before her rise to fame.
Mr Rae, who was found dead on Saturday afternoon, played the saxophone and was due to perform with his jazz band, the Haggis Horns – who have worked as a backing act for Amy Winehouse – last night.
His 29-year-old wife maintains a clean-cut image that is rare in the music industry. -source
Juvenile’s daughter Slain

The 32-year-old rapper is still trying to cope with the death of 4-year-old Jelani; her mother, 39-year-old Joy Deleston; and the woman’s daughter Micaiah, 11, whose bodies were found Thursday night in their home, said manager Aubrey Francis.
Anthony Tyrone Terrell Jr., 17, has been charged with murder in the deaths of his mother, her 11-year-old daughter and Jelani, who was fathered by Juvenile. -source
All Pimps Go to Heaven: R.I.P Ike Turner

Sources close to the family tell TMZ he may have died in his sleep.
The Recording Academy issued the following the statement about Turner’s passing: “There is no doubt that Ike Turner was one of rock and roll’s great architects with his genre-defying sound as an instrumentalist and bandleader … As a two-time GRAMMY® Award winner and recipient of The Recording Academy’s 2004 Heroes Award, Ike’s legacy as a groundbreaking pioneer in the music industry will never be forgotten.” -source

Ike I’ll See you amongst the Pimp Slapping and Cake Eating Angels
Pimp C: Found Dead
Lets all keep Pimp C’s family and friends in our prayers. Another senseless death, lets hope there was not foul play involved. Updates later
Kanye’s Mother’s alleged KILLER!!
No sah let me not make light of such a tramatic experince, I wish people would just leave there bodies alone. Here is some background info on the West death.
I’m just sitting her waiting for the drama to start on this thing…….Seeing that he is a host on one of the medical shows, this man back ground is going to be check liked a pap smear (they gonna get in it and swap that mother f’er) *i shudder*

Dr. Jan Adams told celebrity Web site TMZ that he performed a tummy tuck and breast reduction on Donda West, but that she might have died from a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or massive vomiting.

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