8 Years with Bertha
I think I spend more time trying to make pictures that I do writing post. I know this picture has nothing to do with Remy being sentenced to jail for 8 years or that fact that she will be bending over for plungers while she shares a cell with Bertha and Ms. Big Tiny, but i think i have truly found my calling….I’m an art-IST.
Little Indian Infant better calm his little angry azz down before he end up sitting on some-man’s lap in the clinker
(yes it’s bad but damn give me some credit i tried)
Minutes after the sentence was imposed, in a hallway outside the courtroom doors, Ms. Smith’s fiancé, Shamele Mackie, flew into a rage, lunging and cursing at court officers, then overturning a garbage can near the elevator banks. Mr. Mackie shouted at the guards, “Go ahead, lock me up!” as a group of his friends surrounded him and forced him, flailing and howling, from the courthouse.
Tension had been building in Room 1123 of Supreme Court in Manhattan from the moment Justice Rena K. Uviller imposed the sentence and delivered a withering appraisal of Ms. Smith, calling her “an extremely angry young woman” who assumed herself to be beyond the rules of civil society. -source
Remy Ma is eating Madd fish
Remy Ma Speaks out to a radio station about her conditions and jail and the fact that she continues to think that shooting her friend in the belly by accident makes her innocent. HA!! guess again. I’m glad that she makes light of the situation that Big Bertha and the warden are making her eat their raw tuna. (I’ll leave it up to you to decipher he first sentence I’ve done enough)

This is almost as big as Jayonce’s wedding
So Remy and Papoose are DEAD serious about getting married in jail. That all goes with my theory on nothing can stand in the way of “Ghetto Love” I’ll send a pack of fresh white underwear to her and a subscription to the inmate version of COSMO. for him i’ll get an inflatable doll so that the can stick his love stick in a imagin it was his sweet, sweet Remy
*Jailed rapper Remy Ma can’t wait to marry her fiancée Papoose at her curr
ent place of residence inside New York’s Rikers Island jail.
“They’re much in love,” Remy’s lawyer Ivan Fisher told the Associated Press. “They’re very committed to each other, and they had intended to marry one way or another.”
Remy Ma, whose real name is Remy Smith, was convicted last month of assault, weapon possession and attempted coercion in the July 2007 shooting after a party at a Manhattan nightclub.
The 26-year-old performer is being held without bail until her sentencing, set for April 23. She faces the possibility of up to 25 years in prison.
About 200 weddings are performed each year at Rikers Island, which offers chaplains and chapels, said city Department of Correction spokesman Stephen Morello. Only two guests will be permitted, and the couple won’t be allowed to wear rings with protruding -source
GUILTY as charged
SHESUS!! The fat lady has song and the Jury has found Remy Ma, Guilty on FOUR major charges. All I can say is please don’t drop the soap because Bertha and nem use broom sticks and shower heads. but I’m confident that remy will bring her hard core street cred and gun popping skills to the cell with her. Before she knows all the chicks in jail will be hailing Shesus Christ!!
The verdict just came down in the Remy Ma trial, and the rapper has been convicted on four major charges — two counts of first-degree assault, attempted coercion, and criminal possession of a weapon.
The charges stem from a 2007 incident in which Remy shot a friend of hers after a fight over $3,000 in cash stolen from Remy’s purse. The defense tried to make the shooting an accident — but it looks like they didn’t quite convince the jury.
Remy was not found guilty of gang assault and witness tampering, among the nine total charges she faced. We’re told the victim’s friends and family taunted Remy when the verdicts were read — full pandemonium in the courtroom.Remy could face up from five to 25 years in prison at sentencing.-source
Don’t leave town biiach!
When you shoot people in the belly, you should go to jail. If you don’t go to jail, you shouldn’t be allowed to go to cool places. So until you are charged with something. Stay your black azz at home and shut the hell up
Remy Ma’s European tour plans appear to have fizzled — a New York judge has denied her request to travel overseas for a trek that was supposed to begin December 31 in Paris, The Associated Press reports.
WTF PT10: Remy Ma’s lady Jump off
I’m having a real hard time deciphering all of this…. The state of black America is doomed beyond all repair.
I’m going to need the mothers of America to start encouraging their children to not drop out of school after the 4th grade to to try to remember the proper ways in which to compose and verbally execute a sentence.
Never mind the fact that she’s illiterate, bitter, and angry that Remy Ma made her eat the twat with no intention of building a life long relationship, but she’s clearly dirty and she looks like she kills small furry animals
Ms. Greatest of all Time
I wish she would have taken a picture with her legs closed, what’s with all the vagina shots these days, ish like this is NOT SEXY!!
Another ghetto Superhero

Ugly and the Beast (Markeda Barnes-Joseph)
Remy Ma’s Victim/BFF cries out: Woa is me….Markeda is sitting up there acting like when she was rolling with Remy Ma and her mini entourage, they weren’t all pushing innocent people out the way, and getting into clubs free, and using private bathrooms, and sitting up in VIP smoking weed and drinking patron, and playing with each other boobs……Now, since she got shot twice (boohoo) she want to act all “Poor me I got shot” (granted being shot ain’t fun) but don’t sit up there acting all brand new and trying to look all sad and sweet (and clothed) with your old lady Cain……I put 5 on it that she got a blinged out walking stick behind that little wooden chair she’s sitting on….
she tells the daily News: blah blah blah!!!
“They think that because they’re rappers that they need to make a name for themselves.”
“It’s ridiculous, the stupid things she’s doing,” “Because they’re hard-core female rappers, they [think they] have to live up to what they say in their raps,”
“I’m basically confined to the bed now. It’s really hard. It hurts,”
Get paid Victim…get paid!!
She said that as they left a bar together around 3:40 a.m., the 26-year-old hip-hopster climbed into her car and accused her of stealing about $3,000, ordered her to dump out her purse, then shot her.
“All I heard was the gun go off,” she said. “I couldn’t believe she shot me!”
Barnes-Joseph said that even as she sat in the car bleeding, Ma continued to search through her things for the missing cash.
“What hurts me is that when she shot me she went over and dumped the bag,” she told the Daily News. “She didn’t even say, ‘Oh, my God, I just shot her.’ That’s what hurt me so much.”
The rapper’s attorney said that she “adamantly” denies Barnes-Joseph’s allegations.

See why good friends are hard to find….This poor unknowing damsel in distress is scarred for life……Ohh to be a gun in a friends hand……REMY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
what the hell ever she prob did steal the damn girls money!!!!
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