The Tournament: OchoCinco
Who could turn down a face like this??? Well here is your chance, you could possibly be one of 85 woman chosen to stick your tongue all down his throat, and eventually make adorable little animal like babies.
VH1 strikes again with giving another random person, this time Cincinnati Bengals Chad OchoCinco formally Chad Johnson, a reality love show. Now black people can have another reason to be ashamed. More then likely when the show airs I will watch it religiously because I love to be entertained by mindless foolishness. Ain’t none of these people ever serious
I’m not sure when it’s supposed to air but I’ll keep you updated
Weird thing is he is actually a really sexy black man… I might just apply… wish me luck
“The Tournament” will start with Ochocinco finding 85 women interested in dating him. Then, during the first of 10 episodes, Ochocinco will narrow the playing field down to 16 — four from each region of the country. That’s when the real competition begins.
“Ochocinco is one of the most electrifying individuals in sports today. His bigger-than-life personality on- and off-the-field and his notorious skills as a social networker, connecting daily with his fans, makes him a perfect fit for VH1,” said Jeff Olde, Executive Vice President of VH1, in a statement. “This show will not only give viewers a look inside his professional life, but also reveal his softer more romantic side when playing a very different kind of game.” -source
If You want to give Love a chance CLICK HERE for application
Octo-Mom Signs Reality TV Deal
I have a serious dislike border line hatred for this woman. something that i will no doubt have to pray about. i feel she whored out herself and those 14 human lives for a get rich quick scam. I can only wish that all of the kids get put up for adoption and given to families that actually care about kids and raise them properly with the love and affection that they need. Kids are not supposed to be meal tickets, and this skank just got a meal, a house, cars, money, vacations, and cell phones really WTF???. I’m disgusted and appalled that a network would actually entertain and agree on giving her a reality show. Shame on them.
“Suleman signed agreements for each of her 14 children to earn $250 a day to star in a reality show, according to documents filed in Los Angeles Superior Court Friday.
The contracts — which still require a judge’s approval — guarantee the kids will collectively earn nearly $250,000 over the next three years. They’ll receive $125,000 for 36 days of shooting in the first year, $75,000 for 21 days in the second year and $50,000 for 14 days in the third year.” source
she said she doesn’t want the show to be very intrusive, and that she is only doing it to gain extra income. Betch PLEASE! the show is her ONLY income.
Who gave this show the OKAY????
*rolling my eyes*
This is why people talk so bad about BET because they continue to do foolishness. I don’t care what TI baby momma does on her free time nor do i care what Lil Wayne’s faux baby momma/ ex-wife does other then collect money. It’s been about more then 12 years since her and Wayne broke up/divorced… whatever it’s time that you get over it.
Neither one of them contribute to society in any way, so why is it that they have there own show. Dammit come tape me I’m more interesting then either one of them.
Tiny looks like someone has repeatedly kicked her in the face with a spiked shoe, her noes is large and she looks like a freshly hatched pig. She has 30 kids by TI and he still isn’t married to her, yet wants her to stop singing (I can’t remember not one song that she sang with out Xscap) so please go sit down somewhere talking about your career. Your carreer is having babies.
Toya is just an average ghetto black girl from ATL!!! whoopie! they could have least given them a theme. “How to raise your kids when you man left you for some reason or the other” something…. i don’t know. All i know is that I’m annoyed.
Living in TV Land vs. Reality
Watching tons of TV is my favorite pass time, I can sit there all day and just watch TV. When there is nothing to watch I pop in a funny movie that I have seen a thousand times and laugh like its the first time I have ever seen it. There is a down side to watching so much TV you find your self lost living in a world of fantasy that would have you thinking that everything will turn out to be happily ever after.
Living in a fantasy world like I do is fun. When a song comes on you find yourself re-in acting the words and picturing some man looking deep in your face while he acts out the wonderful words that he is singing to you. Words like “put on your high heels, and spay on some of that sweet perfume, cause he wants to love you tonight” or sometimes you find yourself walking out of a store and hoping that as you look down at your receipt you bump into someone and when you look up… you hear church bells, because standing in front of you is the most gorgeous human that you have ever layed eyes on.
….Then a truck hits you and you left in the hospital of life with a broken heart because you thought that the man you met and fell in love with by accident would actually choose you instead of the self proclaimed best female rapper in Arkansas, or the nappy headed sponge Bob look alike. Sometimes it’s just that your chemistry wasn’t mixing right no matter how you wanted it to (your love just wasn’t meant to be). Who knows…. Reality rears it’s ugly face when you are left standing in the streets of torture feeling sorry for yourself and clutching you heart in your arms as the blood runs down your bleached white dress. (okay I’m really really dramatic but SO WHAT)
Jazmine Sullivan says “why do we love love, when love seems to hate us”. You may not even know what I’m talking about because your fantasy actually came through. You are actually living a wonderful secretive stupid life like Beyonce and Jay-z. To the rest of us you are living that fantasy life that ends as a classic Shakespearean tragedy. Getting over a love lost maybe worst then trying to get over the first day of cramps in the summer time in 90 degree weather when you air conditioner stops working; men you can compare it to playing basketball and as you come down from your glorious layup your balls come nut to knee with one of your team mates, for one sec in time all you understand is darkness and pain.
Who knows the reasons why love hurts so bad. Maybe its for our own good because it helps build character, but its a phenomena that we will never understand, something that haunts us forever and ever. Even after you have moved on and you stop thinking about that person before you go to sleep and first thing in the morning you will always wonder why that person got away. Why can you love someone so much and not be able to be with them, why is there always something or something that stands in the way. If you figure it out… Let me know. Because right now I’m lost, angry and confused, and so are a lot of other people out there.
New York Does Hollywood: Preview
News as surfaced again that Ms. New york and he Fiance Tailor Made have officially broke up. In a radio interview she did with someone she says how they lived together for a while but she wanted to persue acting and he wanted to have a normal life. He now has a new HBIC, but don’t fret for NY because her show is about to start airing soon. below you can find a clip of the misfortune of a reality show…that i will watch like it’s Paula Deans cooking show.
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Janet Gets Real
Unless Janet is starring in the 2008 edition of “Mommy and Me” (with her son JD)I think it’s rude that she gets her own reality show. Janet is dry as hell and that little dumb voice she has is pretty annoying to hear unless she’s singing in a soft moan like diddly. She sucked so bad in “Why did i get married” that just the thought of watching her talk to lil kids and future stars about how to do a two step twist would make me want tear out each of my locks one by one.
And I blame no one other then Oprah for the rise is stupid azz celebrity reality shows.
According to Variety, the untitled show on 25/7 Productions for MTV will begin filming this summer, as Jackson gets ready to go on tour September 10th. Although details are scarce, executive producer Dave Broome hints at the show searching for the next big star.
“It’s really about finding who’s the next Janet Jackson or Justin Timberlake or Usher. And we’ll find it from a pool of people who you wouldn’t typically find them from,” he said. “We’ll go to YMCAs, church groups, local community centers and try to cast the show.” -source
T.I. Can’t Get Realer then this
Yes I would love to watch T.I. do 1 million hours of community service but I have to stab myself over and over and over again with a plastic spoon. T.I is a nice guy and all but I feel the reality show business is getting a little out of hand. Who the hell wants to watch Tiny and her PUG nose sing and snort to her new baby for a whole season of show. You would be kidding yourself to think that this show is going to be solely about T.I Tiny will make sure that she is captured holding his hand and licking his face in every episode.
Someone please pass me my spoon. I need to get to work
Rapper T.I. is turning his legal woes into an MTV docu series.
Cabler will follow the hip-hop star as he performs more than 1,000 of community service before beginning to serve his one-year prison sentence next spring. Ish Entertainment is behind the untitled series, which has scored an eight-episode order from MTV.
Cameras already chronicled T.I.’s release from house arrest, and shooting will start in earnest this summer, leading up to his return to jail in early 2009. MTV plans to air the show some time soon after that. -source
"I love Money" reality show Confirmed
So it’s been confirmed that VH1 will have a reality show called “I love Money” that I will watch and Tivo faithfully every week, and the cast promo pics are being revealed everyday over at VH1.com I wanted to post these two pics because I was wondering if anyone else thinks that Brooke “pumkin” slutmore is about 57 years old? she says she’s only in her low 20 somethings but I’m seriously thinking that she pay have a few more decades under her belt
And this one Nibbles or nipples whatever you preference looks like the stereotypical dirty crack whole stripper hoe at the corner tits and bits of the dirtiest bus station in the hood (Dudley for you Bostonians, although it is getting better) I wouldn’t let her tangy folds slide down my wooden porch steps let alone give her some of my hard earned cash money.
Reality Show: J-Lo and Fam

The singer and new mom to twins will co-executive produce, co-create and star in the “docu-series,” which focuses on how Lopez juggles her career — including launching a new fragrance — with motherhood.
“I’m looking forward to sharing this exciting journey together,” said Lopez.
“Jennifer is unbelievably passionate about life and will be an incredible role model for our audience,” TLC President, Angela Shapiro-Mathes said in a statement.
The series is currently in production. No air date has been revealed. -source
What am I doing wrong
If you can get Vivica fox to host a “who wants to be the next big stylist” show then why the hell can’t i be Hillary Clinton’s vice president. I wonder who the hell her stylist is that insist on slicking down her baby hairs and attaching big azz fluffy pony wigs to her already receding hair line…
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