And so it begins….
Ohh now this is what i call the first stages of a brilliantly devised plan…As you know by now i have a personal vendetta out for Oprah and it over joys my nerve endings to see that someone else is trying to bring down her empire with absurd and ridiculous gossip. The National Enquirer has it that her and and her long time bottom b!tch Steadman is having it out because he suspects that Oprah is strapping on for someone else..that someone else being Tyler Perry.
Tyler perry you say…it is also suspected that Tyler is a little on the “grass is greener side” so it would be hard to make the him and Oprah story hold any weight unless they are all caught in a sexy love square: Tyler, Oprah, Gayle, and Stedman…Now that’s a sex tape that would blind my eyes right out of my head. I’ll keep you posted with any other obnoxious gossip details i come across.
This is what I feel about Oprah’s feet
I feel that when you are one of the richest people in the world and you can party with Nelson Mandela and you are a BILLIONair, and you have the type of $Guap$ that you could probably build a nation in your backyard, and you wipe your behind with 5 dollar bills because the 1 dollar bills are too cheap then your feet should NEVER and I repeat NEVER look the way that Oprah’s feet look.
She has enough clout that she doesn’t even have to pay a doctor to come to her home and make her two NEW pair of feet but NOOOOOOOO she insist of pissing me off and walking around with feet that look like she has just stomped across the core of the sun….hang my head in shame…. cause at one point that mutated bunion actually looked like an extra toe
Oprah Sex Tape!!
yea right don’t we all wish *shudders* …that would be the last piece of evidence needed to take her down….but NOOO she is still there making it rain on every other person in the world. Forbes reports that Oprah is the HBIC when it comes to making that green paper. I would not be surprised if Oprah’s toilet paper rolls were made of freshly cleaned and softened 5 dollars bills. The dollar bill rolls are to cheap for her big azz.
No matter how much i try to bring her down she just keep on going and going and going. I can’t blame myself for this one I blame society. I hope that after i get this restraining order lifted i can convince her into paying off my school loans and dubbing me an honorary god child. and then once I get inside I can take her down…Muahahahahah!!!
Based on earnings and fame, Winfrey came in at Number 1, earning $275 million before taxes over the last 12 months. -source
Did I already post these pics

The Fall of Oprah
Looks like my conspiracy plan against Oprah is starting to work. Little by little I am single handedly taking down her empire. Reports are showing that her support and popularity in her show and magazines and life is declining. I would say that sounds like a victory for Team Hotsauce. In due time she’ll be knocking at my door begging for my forgiveness.
Writer Edward Wyatt notes: The average audience for “The Oprah Winfrey Show” has fallen nearly 7 percent this year, according to Nielsen Media Research — its third straight year of decline.
“Oprah’s Big Give,” an ABC philanthropic reality show, beat every program on television except “American Idol” in its premiere week this winter, but steadily lost nearly one-third of its audience during the rest of its eight-week run, according to Nielsen.
The circulation of O, The Oprah Magazine, has fallen by more than 10 percent in the last three years, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, and the magazine is now seeking a new editor in chief after the announced retirement of its longtime steward, Amy Gross. -source
Once you go Black….
Somehow someway Oprah will get it out of you… If I had known that Babwa Wawas liked the chocolate magic stick then maybe I would have liked her speech impediment self more. Now that she went and sold her soul to Oprah she is forever in her debt. WAS IT WORTH IT!!
Second of all I fail to realize the relevance in coming out about the affair now….
Appearing on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” scheduled to air Tuesday, Walters shares details of her relationship with Brooke that lasted several years in the 1970s, according to a transcript of the show provided to The Associated Press.
A moderate Republican from Massachusetts who took office in 1967, Brooke was the first African-American to be popularly elected to the Senate. Both he and Walters knew that public knowledge of their affair could have ruined his career as well as hers, Walters says. -source
Get Rich Quick Schemes: Target = Oprah
Even Oprah’s trying not to laugh at this one…..
On Dec. 5, 2006, Orit Greenberg went to Harpo Studios to be an audience member for the Oprah show, according to a lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court Wednesday.
Greenberg, along with an “excess number of patrons,” gathered in a waiting area before filing into the studio to be seated, the suit said. When the audience members were instructed to enter the studio and sit “where they wanted,” Greenberg claims she was pushed down stairs as the patrons “rushed the gate” while pushing and shoving one another.
The suit said Harpo management failed to properly control the crowd and was careless by allowing guests to seat themselves.
What did the Other piggy do?
I think this pic is back from early 07 but i just got a hold of it and the only question I have is…When all the piggies are out doing their thing (except for the one that stayed home.) What the hell did the 6th piggy do?

Oprah the Queen of Media
Well looky here looky here, if it ain’t Opy I don’t know who is it… I think it should be the next award for BET, it look like the kind of class and elegance that they go for
The work casts Miss Winfrey in bronze, as a nude, full-breasted woman with generous child-bearing hips.
CLICK here to check out his statue of Paris and Brit
Rumors say: Opy is pissed

“Oprah is furious,” an insider told the magazine. “She expected Phil to apologize before the situation got out of hand. Instead he used the spotlight to tout his struggling talk show. … Oprah thinks he has completely lost his sense of right and wrong.” -source

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