I Blame Tyra!!
A woman was brutally stabbed last Wednesday because she wouldn’t stop talking during an episode of “America’s Next Top Model.” The 42-year-old was watching the program with a group of friends at a Columbia City apartment near Seattle, WA.
Another woman told the victim to stop talking, but got a refusal according to SeattlePI.com. She then opened the apartment door and demanded that the talker leave – a move that escalated the situation into a physical altercation. At some point during the fight the woman retrieved a paring knife from a nearby table and began stabbing the talker in the chest. Others in the group then pulled the knife away and the assailant ran off, according to police reports.
Medics were called and the victim was rushed to Harborview Medical Center, where donor blood was needed because the stab wounds were so severe, said police spokesman Jeff Kappel.
Police found a clump of hair that was snatched out during the fight in a garbage can, but did not find a weapon. The suspect is still at large.-source
After reading this story I can’t really blame the chick that stabbed up the other one. There are certain shows that i watch that i just don’t allow talking around. When i watch TV I’m in the zone. any noise, any outside chatter really pisses me off. I understand exactly how that stabber felt. like really lady….”Please STFU” but the lady wouldn’t be quite so the stabber did the only thing she could…Stabbed the Sh!t out of her, made sure her show was being taped and took off. The End. I think probation would be justifiable.
WTF PT13: Bad Azz Kids
I’m going to start posting absurd news stories because i think it’s important that not only are we reading about what celebs do but what the rest of the screwed up world is doing including our damn children. After reading this story, let me know what size belt, shoe, piece of ply wood, or curling iron should be properly used to bring justice to this situation.
WAYCROSS, Georgia – A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday.
The plot involving as many as nine boys and girls at Center Elementary School in south Georgia was a serious threat, Waycross Police Chief Tony Tanner said.
School officials alerted police Friday after a pupil tipped off a teacher that a girl had brought a weapon to school. Tanner said the students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with a crystal paperweight, bind her with the handcuffs and tape and then stab her with the knife. -source
Toe Licking Robber
MINNEAPOLIS — A man was sentenced Wednesday to five years probation for robbing a woman of her keys and cell phone, then licking her toes.
Carlton Jermaine Davis, 26, was warned that he faces 21 months in prison if he fails to complete his probation.
According to a criminal complaint, Davis approached the woman around 1 a.m. on Sept. 9 as she was leaving work and forced her to put her phone and purse inside a bag.
Then he told her, “Now I’m going to suck your feet.” -source
Funny News Stories
Posted: Jan 2, 2008 04:32 PM EST
That’s Funny….sad but very funny
What say you? Yay or Nay
Man? or Woman? What should be the outcome???
To see a news clip CLICK HERE. To bring some Jerkism to this topic I think it’s hilarious how she sounds and looks like a man, but wants to still be a woman, and how her lawyer is the gayist man alive, he looks like he wants to start crying. It’s a long read but…interesting non the less
Farmer told the bouncer through the stall door that she was a woman, and even tried to show him her ID.
“I never had this kind of experience before,” she said.
Jesus is being sued?
Nebraska Senator Sues God to Make a Point
The defendant in a state senator’s lawsuit is accused of causing untold death and horror and threatening to cause more still. He can be sued in Douglas County, the legislator claims, because He’s everywhere.
State Sen. Ernie Chambers sued God last week. Angered by another lawsuit he considers frivolous, Chambers says he’s trying to make the point that anybody can file a lawsuit against anybody.
Chambers says in his lawsuit that God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents, inspired fear and caused “widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants.”
The Omaha senator, who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, also says God has caused “fearsome floods … horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes.”
He’s seeking a permanent injunction against the Almighty.Chambers said the lawsuit was triggered by a federal suit filed against a judge who recently barred words such as “rape” and “victim” from a sexual assault trial.The accuser in the criminal case, Tory Bowen, sued Lancaster District Judge Jeffre Cheuvront, claiming that he violated her free speech rights.
Chambers said Bowen’s lawsuit is inappropriate because the Nebraska Supreme Court has already considered the case and federal courts follow the decisions of state supreme courts on state matters.
“This lawsuit having been filed and being of such questionable merit creates a circumstance where my lawsuit is appropriately filed,” Chambers said. “People might call it frivolous but if they read it they’ll see there are very serious issues I have raised.”U.S. District
Judge Richard Kopf, in an order last week, expressed doubts about whether Bowen’s lawsuit “has any legal basis whatsoever” and said sanctions may be imposed against Bowen and her attorneys if they fail to show cause for the lawsuit.
The Associated Press usually does not identify accusers in sex-assault cases, but Bowen has allowed her name to be used publicly because of the issue over the judge’s language restrictions.
Cheuvront declared a mistrial in the sexual assault trial in July, saying pretrial publicity made it impossible to gather enough impartial jurors.
Skip work Make BABIES
If America would be more Pro-active in building up our country(like have a baby making day), I believe the crime, stress and suicide rate would decrease. sometimes people just need a little day off to have lots and lots of sex for the incentive of making a baby in 9 months and receiving a Brand New Home and Car
“I used to live here,” said Karina, aged 19.
“We plan to come back on the same day next year and try for a baby and the prize nine months later,” she said.
ULYANOVSK, Russia (Reuters) - The governor of a central Russian province urged couples to skip work Wednesday and make love instead to help boost Russia’s low birth-rate.
And if a woman gives birth in exactly nine months time — on Russia’s national day on June 12 — she will qualify for a prize, perhaps even winning a new home.
Regional governor Sergei Morozov told employers to contribute to a Kremlin campaign to boost the birth rate by giving couples Wednesday off to have sex.
Russia wants to reverse a trend in which the population is shrinking by about 700,000 people a year as births fail to outpace a high death rate boosted by AIDS, alcoholism and suicide.
This is the third year Ulyanovsk region, famous as the birthplace of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin, has dedicated a day to encouraging couples to produce more babies.
This year a record 78 babies were born on June 12 at the main hospital in the regional capital of Ulyanovsk, beating the 2006 total of 26, said chief doctor Andrei Malykh.
“The scheme is working. People want the prizes,” he said.
Piss and Coal

I guess you have to do what you have to do….Me (I) will not be drinking no piss and eating no damn coal…..I’m to chicken sh!t for that…I would have just laid there, stripped off all my clothes and asked the lord to take my life then and there (that is after I repent, and ask for forgiveness), No questions asked no pleading just send a bolt of lightning down and KILL ME DEAD!!! Amen!
Crackhead wants her MONEY BACK
And No it wasn’t Binladin’s Wifey, but at one time it could have been…. Would someone like to tell me what the hell kind of stuff do you really need to be on to INVITE the police into your home to discuss the FACT that you went out and bought FAKE crack….and no you have the audacity to demand your money back……. *shocked, amused, and deeply saddened*
I took the liberty to highlight, bold, and underline the Key points of this news story
She told officers she broke the rock into three pieces and smoked one, only to discover the drugs were “fake.”
Robin (GMA) makes Announcement
Somethings are funny and somethings are serious. Robin Roberts from Good Morning America announced Today that she has breast cancer….
she writes:
I never thought I’d be writing this. … I have breast cancer.
It all started a few weeks ago. We had gotten the news that our dear colleague and friend Joel Siegel had passed away and we began preparing for our special tribute show for him. I did a piece about Joel’s courageous battle with cancer, reporting on the way my friend had lived his life and been such a successful advocate for the importance of early cancer screenings. That very night when I went to bed, I did a self breast exam and found something that women everywhere fear: I found a lump.
At first I thought, “This can’t be. I am a young, healthy woman.” Nevertheless, I faced my fear head on and made an appointment to see the doctor. Much as I was hoping the doctor would say it was nothing, she did a biopsy and confirmed that the lump I’d found was indeed an early form of breast cancer.
Hearing the doctor say those words out loud was surreal.
Like i said lets remember to keep robin in out prayers during this rough part of her life.
to read full story/leave Robin a message CLICK HERE
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