Kobe is America’s SweetTart/heart
To all you Kobe fans…. Come get your boy….!
(he may need to stay out of his wife’s closet #imjustsaying)
Something tells me: he’s a girl
I don’t love Llyod, because I think he sounds like a b!tch and a man that can’t put a little base in his voice can’t really be trusted. his music is nice, but when he’s just on air talking.. it really makes me want to punch him in the nuts, maybe it would have the reverse effect and he could actually succeed in sounding like a man instead of a pre-pubescent boy child.
Second of all it’s time to cut the hair, especially if you can’t find anything to do with it other then put it in some big azz ugly plats. do something with your damn hair dude, or loose it.
She could be a man….
I was all with Serena until I saw these pictures and my heart sank right into my butt. I honestly had to do a double take to make she is wasn’t a man dressed in drag pretending to be her, and that hurt me, because i want to like her, i really do. I want to be a fan because she is a celeb for a reason, but i guess when you put in hard work and skills, your body gets hard and manly and there is really nothing she can do about it but forever live her life as a grown ass man. At least she already snagged one of the hottest men alive…Common…YUMMY
Prove it to me!!
I want someone to prove to me that Nicole Murphy was NOT once a man….She is the hardest looking female i have ever seen in my life. even drag queens have a softer look then she does. She looks like shim gets nasty in the bedroom and has a little thing for strapping it on.
They need to nip this in the bud
The lil HEREOS boy’s parents need to sit and have a talk with their Man child to discuss the prettiness that is his straw set.. Straw sets are for GIRLS not for little boys. I’m all for freedom of expression but only when your old enough have a relevant thought. until that time you will portray the label that your genitals places on you

Just because she had an invisible baby doesn’t mean that she’s not going to still be a Royal B!tch. I guess Usher’s Husband doesn’t want no PYT (pretty young thang) all up on her man cause she sure was at his video shoot playa hating on that sweet little Kerri Hilson. I wish she would just fight someone and get all her angry issues out in the open. Usher likes a little back bone and Adams apple in his woman. All Tameka is doing is standing by her wife. *smh*
Our on-set source said Foster was upset when she found out stunning singer/songwriter Keri Hilson was personally picked by Usher to play his love interest in the video.
“It was supposed to be a sexy video shoot,” our spy said. “And Tameka was there the entire time guarding like a watchdog. It was ridiculous – she knows Keri and knows she’s no video ho or Karrine Steffans.” Steffans, nicknamed “Superhead,” wrote the book, “Video Vixen,” about her alleged flings with Usher and several other artists.
“Tameka is very insecure,” our source said. “Even in rehearsals she was weird and clearly not happy that Keri is so gorgeous. Tameka threw a lot of attitude. The day of the shoot, Tameka dressed Keri very badly – she looked like an extra. Tameka wouldn’t let Keri have her hairdresser there – she had to use the hairdresser who was doing the extras.” -source
Nope Guess Again!!! Sherri
Anybody ever notice how this chick’s tongue is mad big and can never fit into her mouth properly. Maybe it’s just me. but that’s not the purpose of this post. it’s about what you can and can’t wear on your body type. See, Sherri has a big upper body. Her breast are insanely large and probably has to wear a tube top over her bra to shape them. Yet her bottom half in grossly skinny and her booty is non-existent. there for she looks like a line backer. Line backers shouldn’t wear mini spandex dresses because it’s RUDE.

This Look is a tragic mess and I’m sad. Those brave heart sandals bring tears of sorrow to mine eyes.
I mean… I think he’s pretty
Why should I care???

I don’t care what leading actor you are let me tell you that this outfit right here is not the sh!t. The dress skirt I would have made with some fabric from the local drug store and them army boots ooooooooooooooooooooh chile STOP!! You are no longer in character you don’t have to put on them stomping boots.
second who will join me in composing a letter to the movie writers to stop with the: bring it on, you got served, stomp the yard, dance with me, save the last dance, step up, crump dancing movies. We get it!! Black people like to dance and stomp like in Africa STOP with the movies. WAIT before I let it go……..if you are going to continue to make these dumb azz movies, please get actors that can dance, speak proper English AND ACT (the acting in these movies are GD awful)
Lil MANma and C.Beezy Vid


She looks like a mannequin
A little man
That’s Hott!!

Pass (cause I’m feeling nice)
Overall her game has stepped up one Milli-notch
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