The Black Sex in the City/Girlfriends
Look at what we have here…
A new Sex in the City/Girlfriends is in the works, but with a twist. The networks seem to hate lady bonding shows, and want to keep playing us on weather or not “Girlfriends” will be picked up, or even if they would be ever so kind as to bring back “The Game”. At this point it seems like we won’t need them. Thanks to Queen Latifa, who is coming out with a scripted show “Single Ladies” with Stacy Dash, Lisa Ray McCoy, and Lauren London …. (source)
Stacy Dash’s Characheter: “My character is very similar to my own life because I’ve never been single. Literally, since I’ve been 17 years old. She’s never been married, the character than I’m playing, whereas I’ve been married three times, so that’s the difference,” Dash says. “It’s a really good script.”
Lisa Ray’s Charachter: “She doesn’t have one of anything nor does she believe in having one man. She believes in dating and being able to explore her possibilities. She’s much like Samantha of Sex in the City,” explains the Player’s Club star. “Very straight up and honest. She’s the one that has that spunk, I’d like to say that she’s the slut of the three.”
Lauren London: plays a younger, semi-shy character married to an NBA player. Although London will be a recurring character in the show, her rep confirms that the role is small.
I have high hopes for this show… I’m rather tired of watching reality shows, seeing people acting the fool and it being the real them… I want to see some fake trash. Something to give me hope that not everyone in the world is a real life piece of shit. Right now all we know about the show “Single Ladies” is that 4 day rehearsals begin this week in Atlanta, and as of right now there is no known official start date.
Better Black Televison (BBTV)
P. Miller the artist formally known as Master P, has bought his own network to showcase positive black television which happenes to be straight up competition for BET….and I couldn’t be happier. I’m going to venture off a little bit and say that: I HATE BET… last night i was up watching that dumb azz show HELL Date which used to be funny until someone got creative and switched it up to foolishness. but that’s not the worst part… the little devil man in annoying and every time he comes out i just wish someone would side kick him and send him flying to the other side of the room. maybe that’s just me…
Anyways like i was saying P. Miller will start up the BBTV channel which has already started streaming in places like NY and California. he is currently shopping around to expand in the smaller states.
Him and his son make me proud to be black. Although I’m confident that it will be a ghetto production, at least someone is trying something instead of complaining about it.
“Better Black Television has been a vision of mine for some years,” said Miller, BBTV’s Chairman & CEO. “I’ve done a lot to promote and change the way messages are relayed to our children and our families over the last few years. Promoting positive content and positive messages is so important to educate and preserve the next generation. Being exposed to positive content is what changed my life. I believe that there is a market in our community for a new diverse network that provides a new brand of superior programming that caters to all aspects of television from reality to original programming. In addition, I’m excited to be able to expose the urban community to a vast array of jobs in the entertainment community that they might not otherwise be privy to. I have a great relationship with BET and MTV and my son and I will continue to do work with them and support their networks. With BBTV, we’re spearheading the initiative to meet consumer demand for family friendly hip-hop content.” -source
Lip Chap and Indian Hair
Saaphyri has launched her line of chapstick and Indian hair for those that need a little bald cover up…
Round of Applause!!
Who’s House? Miley’s House!!
Miley Justine
Run, 43, and wife Justine, 42, adopted the American-born girl (they do not know her birth mother) when she was a month old in September – exactly one year after Justine gave birth to a daughter who didn’t survive.
“The more you mourn, the more you want to mourn. I would have landed in depression,” she tells Us.
“I wanted a girl really bad, and I knew I wasn’t going to try again,” she says. Justine has two other boys with Run and is the step-mom to a boy and two girls.
“It’s heaven,” Run tells Us, “to have this baby come into our house at this time, at Christmas.”
The foolishness that is: Beyawnce
If you know anything about me you will know that I’m the biggest BeYawnce hater in all of Narnia, so naturally when I saw this You Tube clip on C&D i was automatically drawn to the powers of foolishness and the mighty powers of Truth!! This clip brings joy to my hating heart.
Her concerts look like they would be annoying…….
Grown and Sexy: Denzel
I ain’t got nothing to say, but have mercy father, that’s a distinguished black man. Theses are the kids of black people that have earned the right to be on the front page of magazines. People who we can look up to know that there representation of black men is legitimate
Piss and Coal

I guess you have to do what you have to do….Me (I) will not be drinking no piss and eating no damn coal…..I’m to chicken sh!t for that…I would have just laid there, stripped off all my clothes and asked the lord to take my life then and there (that is after I repent, and ask for forgiveness), No questions asked no pleading just send a bolt of lightning down and KILL ME DEAD!!! Amen!
M-E-T-H-O-D MAN!! schools the kids
On how to roll a perfect blunt…..Okay no sah!!! My gangsta boo is going to talk to 15 high schools as a part of his plea deal for getting caught being high….being one of the only rappers that I have respect for I’m proud to report that he’s not killing dog, or spanking monkeys, but that he’s going to be doing something positive that will help kids. Now a days there is a serious drought in positive rappers and hip-hop stars doing things that make society proud. regardless of the reason he is doing it, he’s doing it dammit!!!
As part of a plea deal reached following a marijuana arrest earlier this year, the hip-hop star was ordered to visit 15 city high schools to warn students about the dangers of drugs.
The former Wu-Tang Clan member, whose real name is Clifford Smith, “is thrilled to do it,” defense attorney Peter Frankel said Friday. “He’s never been in trouble before. He’s not a stereotypical rapper.”
Smith, 36, was arrested on May 17 after toll-booth workers on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel reported smelling marijuana smoke coming from his sport utility vehicle. He was charged with driving under the influence of drugs and drug possession after police said they found marijuana inside the SUV.Prosecutors knocked the drug charges down to disorderly conduct as part of the plea deal.
Denzel: A true American and friend to all in uniform!
This story is a little old but, with all the foolishness going around with all these celebs pissing on each other…when *Philly P* emailed this to me, i felt it was only righteous of me to write a little sumtin sumtin to let readers know that there are decent celebs in the world…ones that do something right instead of hitting neighbors with blackberries, or picking up transvestites.
Denzel Washington and his family visited the troops at Brook Army Medical Center, in San Antonio,Texas (BAMC) recently. This is where soldiers who have been evacuated fromGermany come to be hospitalized in the UnitedStates, especially burn victims. There are some buildings there called Fisher Houses. The Fisher House is a hotel where soldiers’ families can stay, for little or no charge, while their soldier is staying in the Hospital. BAMC has quite a few of these houses on base, but as you can imagine, they are almost filled most of the time.

“VP of Communications James Weiskopf that while Denzel Washington, whom he says “has shown great compassion in support of service men and women,” indeed toured Fisher Houses at Brooke Army Medical Center in recent months and pledged “a substantial donation” to the Fisher House program, he did not “write a check for the full amount” to build one as claimed in the email rumor.”

Denzel is not only fine as hell, but he’s kind, caring, and need I say one more time sexy as hell!!
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