Never ceases to amaze me
Erykah Badu is just one of those people that can do what ever she wants to do and still just be a great talent to music. This pics are a HOTT damn mess, but… she is who she is. I’m giving away an outfit just like this to the first person that request it. hmmmm soon as i get famous I’m wearing it by damn self, cause I’ll be so friggen amazing that i can just do stupid ish and get away with it.
This are pics are from a recent show she did in_____?? ( I forgot *smirks*)

Who looked the foolest: Crazy lady1 vs. Crazy lady2

Hey Girl what You doing?
Erykah always know how to be the life of the party. I still can’t seem to wrap my finger around her crazy concept or the plum foolery of costumes that she wears, but from what i have heard she is a pretty cool person. She was here in Boston about a week ago and i slept on buying tickets so i didn’t get to see her but people that went said it was crazy fun. So if you hear about her coming to a town near you make sure you go check her out.
How to get into the Entertainment Business
Erykah Badu gives you all the realest way to make it big in the big bold world of entertainment. I’m quit certain that if you follow her advice it would either get you in a tip drill video or arrested. but in some cases IT COULD WORK!!
Erykah BADU: Happy Birthday
I don’t know how old she is I didn’t even know it was her birthday, but apparently this pics were taking at a birthday party that she had where she also celebrated the release of her new Album. Per usual she looked a mess but i have grown a certain fondness in the mess that is her apparel. So on that note I’ll just say Happy Birthday

Part1: 4th World War
Ms. Badu spiced up her cover a little bit more…with that little edition in the corner
here are some Pics of her photoshoot in an up-coming issue of (dammit I forget) some magazine. if you know the name of the magazine please leave it in the comment section. Cause I could care less.

I want a wig!
Hott Video of the Day
From her New Album New AmErykah, Badu releases her first video
I was always scared of Medusa because I hate bad hygiene. This album cover reminds me of Medusa with her bad hair hygiene, who the hell is comfortable with mad snakes and stuff in your damn head. (maybe I’m digging to deep into it LOL)
New Music: “Honey“
Yes this is very Baduish all her video’s always seem to have a deeper meaning. If you pay attention she gives ode to many classic music artist like: Grace Jones, Chaka Khan, De la Soul, and many others that I don’t know trash about. look it up for yourself.
My BF loves him some Erykah Badu so when it comes out I’ll be one of the first to cop it. maybe I should start doing some That’s Not Hott give aways!! what y’all think???
Erykah BADu

*shrugging my shoulders” I guess so….???? comments from me are null and void.
Erykah Badu: Honey
I actually love this pic of Ms. Badu. It’s stunning. I wish my hair looked like that. No really i love big ass bushy soft hair. it looks warm like a hat. Her make up is wonderful.
The pic above is said to be for her new record or album “Honey” I don’t know how it works but, you’ll be seeing it somewhere in relation to her music. when you figure it out let me know.
Crack is whack: Erykah Badu
enough is enough, looking like a broke down 70′s school teacher, struck down by a 1958 pinto in a dark ally on the corner of buckhead, and steamsville.
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- Your hair is Stupid