Obama is a MAN DAMMIT!
The saying goes “You can look but you can’t touch” Obama appears to be doing a lot of looking in this picture. Him and the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy are being blasted all over the Internet and news stations for this controversial picture, makes me think there is nothing else important enough going on in the world other then Obama checking some booty (which he is not). The young lady in the picture is 17 year old Mayora Tavares a junior G-8 delegate from Brazil. If you take a look at the video below you will see that Obama was just turning around to help another lady down the stairs, and the camera just happen to snap at the right time *giggles*
BUT regardless of the reason behind the funny picture, SO what if he looks… just cause he’s looking doesn’t mean he will touch it. It’s healthy for a man to glance every once in a while. Now for President Sarkozy…. that’s a different story he was DEFINITELY checking out that girl’s ass *DEAD*
Watch as Sarkozy goes for the glace again…smh… you know the French are lovers!!!
And so it begins….

By 9:30 a.m., New York City police detectives and Secret Service agents had shut down the exhibition, and building workers had quickly covered over the inflammatory title with large sheets of brown paper and blue masking tape. The gallery is across the street from the southern entrance to The New York Times building.
Hott Clip of the Day
For the record I’m not a fan of either one of the runners for the Democratic party, and I feel like the country should just start over *dodging the insults about my lack of giving a damn about our nation* I believe that since Obama and Hilary can’t stop tearing each other down which, Grand master McCain is going to win and we will all be strung up to die soon anyway. But enough about my political views. below you will find the hott clip of the day “Obama Baby” he has a lots of advice, and he definitely knows what he wants.
I agree with WTF Baby *GASP*
It Just seems fitting that while these elections are going Absolutely NO WHERE. That someone should have allowed Weezy “WTF” Baby to lend some sizzurp slurping insight as to what we thinks about the election and the world. In general. this quote will most likely replace David banner’s quote to Al Sharpton in my side bar.
That’s Not Hott endorses WEEZY for President
visit celeb-blitz for the rest of the interview
DMX explains it all
Okay hear me out before you read DMX’s interview….We all know that I’m the biggest advocate for CRACK being WHACK (and DMX is bathing in it)but….in all the foolishness that DMX is saying he actually makes a lot of sense. it’s weird and maybe you have to be a f’d up person to see what he’s trying to say…. I know I’m f’d up because I DO understand. and I can’t knock him for it…. *shrugging shoulders*
Not at all.
You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton.
His name is Barack?!
Barack Obama, yeah.
What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?
Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.
Barack Obama?
What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that nigga’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.
You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.
I ain’t really paying much attention.
I mean, it’s pretty big if a Black…
Wow, Barack! The nigga’s name is Barack. Barack? Nigga named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” [laughs] “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Barack.
So you’re not following the race. You can’t vote right?
Is that why you’re not following it?
No, because it’s just-it doesn’t matter. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do. It doesn’t really make a difference. These are the last years.
But it would be pretty big if we had a first Black president. That would be huge.
I mean, I guess…. What, they gon’ give a dog a bone? There you go. Ooh, we have a Black president now. They should’ve done that shit a long time ago, we wouldn’t be in the fuckin’ position we in now. With world war coming up right now. They done fucked this shit up then give it to the Black people, “Here you take it. Take my mess.”
Right, exactly.
It’s all a fuckin’ setup. It’s all a setup. All fuckin’ bullshit. All bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about none of that.
We could have a female president also, Hillary Clinton.
I mean, either way it doesn’t matter. I don’t care. No one person is directly affected by which president, you know, so what does it matter.
Yeah, but the country is.
I guess. The president is a puppet anyway. The president don’t make no damn decisions.
The president…they don’t have that much authority basically?
Nah, never.
But Bush pretty much…
You think Bush is making fuckin’ decisions?
He did, yeah, he fucked up the country.
He act like he making decisions. He could barely speak! He could barely fuckin’ speak!
Can’t be serious. He ain’t making no damn decisions.
Will Smith to Play Barack
Why didn’t know that barack was in talks about making a movie about his life? If they do make one I hope they cast ME to play one of his daughters (i want to be the little one cause she so damn cute) If that dosn’t work maybe I’ll play the chick that Obama secretly has a lil side FUN with *wink* let me stop.
The Hollywood star – who recently revealed he would love to become America’s first black president – has been approached by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to play him in a film of his life.
Obama told ‘Entertainment Tonight’: “Will and I have talked about the idea of him playing me because he has the same ears as me! He would be perfect.”
Last year, Democrat supporter Smith revealed his political aspirations, saying: “I always wanted to be the first black president but Barack Obama stole my idea. That’s OK with me. Barack can go first and then I’ll take my turn.” -source
Super Tuesday!!

Massachusetts :
Celebs are all up on Barack
This is a hot video, WHEN I run for president I hope Will.i.am backs me too!
No matter who your voting for today……JUST do it (VOTE that is)
Rosanne WHO??
Rosanne forgot that she’s random and is speaking out mad heavy at Obama…
read more of her rant…
What say you??
Is America Ready???

This is something that has been bothering me.Ever since last night when he won the caucus (whatever the hell that is) there has been Buzz that Obama is the head runner for the white house. Is America ready for a black president? I’m going to get personal because I’m black and I want to talk to the black people.
Are We (to be general) voting for Obama because he’s BLACK has black America taken the time out to sit down and research what it really is that these candidates (all) are representing. I see a lot of the black community and blogs *ahem bossip*are pushing for Obama but something in my heart tells me that we really don’t know why we are voting for Obama besides the fact that he’s black (yes he’s half white blah blah blah) but really what is it that are pulling y’all towards him….
Is it just his slogan Hope and Change? what is he bringing to the table that other candidates are not…..
I don’t know who I’m voting for right now, not that it matters who I vote for but, just because i feel like it’s important to vote (as we all should)
Lend me your thoughts on the reason why you think Obama is the best, if you can comment about Coco’s camel toe you can engage in real talk.
Wyclef: If I was president
MORE to read from Blogxilla (good read) *one point of view*
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