Janet… if your nasty
Really Janet….. It’s like that…. is this a concert, or a peep and freak show. I thought that after you turned a certain age (50), you stopped acting like a sex crazed freak and pretending to be a lady in public… i would like to give props to JD for being able to hold down a freak a leak like Janet. If she can do all of this on stage then she must be a Wild Boar Beast in the bedroom. I wonder if she has any instructional DVD’s I can buy, I need to brush up on my skills.
That pony tail man must have had to take a nice frigid shower after that show… or he’s GAY!
CSI needs to find this man’s SEXY
The person in change of murdering this man’s sexy is SO in trouble, because the CSI people are not going to let him them get away with this shit…NO NO NO!
Ummm is this the man that i tune in to watch every night on the spike network?? I refuse I can’t i won’t I’m crying and I’m hurt!!!! What the hell happened to him. I know that he was recently in some drama over a crack filled car, and that he left CSI, but is this what the world has come down too…I mean where do i go from here…This man actually has on a damn speedo and a wet/dry Jerry Curl…. I won’t even get into his penguin shaped body because i will throw this computer right out the window… I swear for gawd…..
Too sexy for his career
Everybody always wondered what happened to D’angelo, why he fell off after his banging sex filled song of sex and sweaty sex and more more sex and why sex feels so damn sexy…come to find out he had to stop because everytime he left his house he was being raped and taken advantage of and treated like a peice of sexy meat (yes when i think of D’angelo I think of sexy time)…. the pressure of being a sex object was too much for him and it turned him fat and crazy and unable to perform SONGS……. no his people speak out about whay went wrong
We couldn’t get through one song before women would start to scream for him to take off something” says Hargrove. “It wasn’t about the music. All they wanted was for him to take off his clothes.”
The cat calls had an undeniable effect on D’Angelo. “He’d get angry and started breaking sh*t,” Thompson remembers. “The audience thinking, “f*ck your art, I wanna see your ass!” made him angry”.
For D’Angelo, who, as Trenier puts it, “isn’t a sexy dude” but a “real musician who wears glasses and plays video games,” the objectification appeared to do lasting damage. “I didn’t realize how vulnerable he was or how deep his issues ran.” Says Leeds. “He’s cursed now with fretting over how much of his fan base is because of how he looked as opposed to his music. It took away his confidence, because he’s not convinced why any given fan is supporting him. – Source
He so Fine he blows my mind
Ohh to be the underwear of Nelly’s Body….. This picture is just wrong and makes me want to find Ashanti and side kick her down a flight of stairs, because everything she goes over to his house she can think about this picture and fling him to the floor and give him her version of that “good good” as she so claims she has…I DOUBT IT… I have the only “good good” that he would EVER EVER need. Have Mercy what a fiine specimen of a man. YIKES!!
Anyways Nelly is the new face of Sean John’s Men’s panty/underwear line… I will steal every poster i come across (most likey get arrested) and hang them on the ceiling in my room. so while I’m…..
NEW YORK, July 28 /PRNewswire/ — Sean John Underwear taps internationally renowned recording artist, Nelly, as their new spokesmodel. The first campaign features Nelly donning the Fall collection of underwear basics and loungewear.
Sean “Diddy” Combs said, “I have known Nelly for many years and I really admire his work. To me, Nelly is the quintessential definition of the Sean John man. He has the attitude, the swagger, and most of all the physique that our customers can both aspire and relate to. And let’s be honest, all of the ladies out there are going to be thanking us for this campaign. The images are so strong; they speak for themselves. We are truly excited to welcome Nelly into the Sean John family.”
Nelly said, “I have been a big fan of Diddy and the Sean John clothing line for years. So, when they asked me to work with them, it was a real honor. I hope my fans will enjoy this campaign as much as I did shooting it.” -source
These pics are a little old but… It’s Friday and i feel like you ladies and some some of you men should get some idea’s from your weekend plans. Little tiny voice Loyd made some lucky audience member’s day when he invited her on stage and proceed to tease her lady lumps. If his voice wasn’t so my little pony like i would honestly consider having his baby… just so that it would have nice hair.
“Let me take you down” I know that ain’t his song but that’s what popped into my head when i saw these pics.
pics via necolebitchie
Sexy Nerd
Is that you Pharell looking all sweaty and moist??? I didn’t know he had a song that invoked that much energy… whatever, what I’m trying to say is that he can catch it…I would really try everything in my power to get him pregnant. but well see.
Jeezy that’s soooo sexy…
Somebody with a “bash” at the end of there name had a birthday bash (maybe that’s it) and Jezzy was there to perform…Who cares….What interest me is the the class that is oozing out of the pours of jeezy while he sucks on that blunt. look at how the smoke cascades around his greasy sweaty face and just adds a touch of elegance and grace to his other wise dull persona. Also the way that Kanye ever so gently draped his arm over Jeezy succulent body is something that we all should take note of. Given the fact that i just bought and got signed a copy of Terrence Dean’s “Hiding in hip hop” (post will be up shortly)

Free to Piss again
Nothing to see here people….Keep it moving….. I’m not sure how true this story is but The AP press is pretty credible (I think) I’ll keep you posted with more news.
CHICAGO (AP) — Singer R. Kelly has been found not guilty on the first 7 of 14 counts at a child pornography trial. The jury deliberated less than a day.
Kelly was charged with 14 counts of videotaping himself having sex with an underage girl, who prosecutors say was as young as 13. If convicted, he faces a minimum of four years in prison and a maximum of 15 years. He would also have to register as a sex offender in Illinois.
The jury — nine men and three women — was given the case Thursday.
The key question for the jurors was whether they believe it was Kelly in the video, as prosecutors contend. Kelly’s attorneys say it wasn’t him. -source
Call me Al "Sexy" Reynolds
So this isn’t a real Ad??? Duhhhh… Gay Al is catching some heat because websites have gone around claiming that this picture was due to the fact that he was to be the new model for the athletic underwear brand.
When I first saw the pics I just figured that Gal was trying to be sexy… maybe he was trying to dig deep down in his soul to find his masculine side or maybe just to shift his peen from sticking to his leg and the camera just happened to go off. Regardless of what Gal tries he will always look like a fairy princess in men’s clothing.
A recent black-and-white photo of Al exposing his Under Armour briefs underneath some basketball shorts hit the Internet last week along with rumors that it was part of his new ad campaign for the company.
Several Web sites had Al signing on as Under Armour’s first non-sports star to serve as the company’s spokesman and reported he would model a “30 piece line” for ads to begin running in magazines next month.
But Under Armour rep Tai Foster has come forward to deny the reports, saying in a statement: “I wanted to clarify what has been reported. Al Reynolds is not a spokesperson for Under Armour, nor is there any business relationship of any kind between the Under Armour brand and Al Reynolds.” -source
Reynolds’ rep, Howard Bragman, told the New York Post’s Page Six: “Don’t try to make a shirtless picture something it’s not – that’s my comment.”
A little Belly Jelly
There is something about Alicia Key’s Little pudgy belly that is so sexy. I’m a girl and I’m not a lesbian but I can appreciate the sexy look of a woman. Although the world would say that Alicia needs to tone it up a bit I think it’s nice that for once we see a woman that is not ultra fit yet not super curvy that we can relate to.
Just the other day I came back to reality and noticed that I’m getting quit round in the middle section which lead to me becoming a vigorous treadmill runner trying to shed some meat from my belly, i would love nothing more then to have soft curves like Alicia. it hangs over her pants just a tad but it still sexy and soft like how a woman out to be. I will print these pics of A. Keys and stick them around my room as the goal of looking like her. wish me luck as I embark on my endeavour for the perfect sexy figure. (looks like I have a good 10 lbs to shed)

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