Okay guys brace yourselves for a little silicon porn action…. In today’s episode of Who looked the foolest I present to you the Tranny from “I want to work for Diddy” who made gave some tittie boy a “peen in your face strip” tease

Great Tuck job

Yes that’s nipples and breast…. i hope those shows are 21 plus
You Lie black girl (Bucky’s sex tape)
I don’t know weather to laugh or cry or throw something…An intimate act of LOVE…Come on let’s get real. That sexy tape was more like an intimate act of raunchy deep throating and jizz sucking, and if she’s trying to convince the world that she’s not a whore that’s trying to make a buck from doing “intimate sex acts” for profit then she messed that up when she was giving Flav the tongue down…ewwww. what a joke. I can’t stand a person that blatantly lies about being a whole all the while selling tail on the street corner. hmph!!!
“It troubled me to find out my intimate act of love was classified as a sex tape. I didn’t speak on it because I knew how tender the situation was between me and my partner,” Buckeey said in a statement to AllHipHop. “I didn’t want to point fingers at anyone or come out with any names because it was then and still is very much my personal business.”
Johnson is refuting claims that she purposely released the tape to boost her fame.
“Over these past few weeks I have been tortured by strangers about what happened, who was I with, did I release the tape on purpose to get publicity, can I prove to them it was me and multiple other random and indecent requests and questions,” The 21-year-old video model explained. “So I’m forced to make a statement. Once you become a personality on television you become the target of haters and I am no different, the release of the tape was done by a hater, stolen by a hater and is just another blatant case of b***chassness.” -source
It also kills me how the most bitchassted celebs are the first to be talking about they ain’t for it….You can’t refute something and promoting at the same time…I think the entertainment business (especially puffy) needs to re-evaluate the meaning of the word.
Mini Porn
What to see something Cool??? Mini me has a Porno…The funny thing about this is I have actually seen midget porn and although I know that they are people too, the midget porn had me deeply disturbed, and actually kept me up for 3 nights in the row trying to erase the image of the little woman giving the business to this grown azz man…Now I’m afraid i must relive my nightmare, but this time i won’t do it alone…Welcome to my nightmare. and is that a man or a woman doing the sexy with Verne
Because of the release of the SFW version of the sex tape. Mini Me has decided to sue TMZ for invading his privacy…..
Verne Troyer has filed a $20 million lawsuit, claiming TMZ violated his rights by publishing and airing portions of his sex tape.
In the suit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in downtown L.A., Troyer claims TMZ violated his privacy rights and infringed on his copyright and trademark by running portions of the tape on TMZ TV and TMZ.com. He also alleges TMZ violated his right of publicity and misappropriated his name and likeness.
Troyer says the tape was stolen and ended up in the hands of Kevin Blatt, the guy who distributed “One Night in Paris.” Blatt is also named as a defendant.
In addition to damages, Troyer wants an injunction prohibiting further dissemination of the video.

Totally NSFW
Jimi Hendrix Sex Tape: Yummy!!
Even the dead can make a sex tape and make all the headlines. For some reason (maybe cause it’s just damn nasty) I’m not the slightest bit interested in seeing this here 11 min porn of a dead guys going at it with two ditsy broads. After all it might not even be him.
I think i’m going to go in my cellar and see if I can find a porno of Elvis and Lil Manma (Fresh is convinced it is that old) and i’m selling off to the highest bidder. Place your bids here.
The 11 minutes of footage, reportedly shot in a hotel room about 40 years ago, features Hendrix — or someone who looks like him — engaged in various sexual acts with two women.
The company said they consulted with experts to authenticate the footage. But Charles R. Cross, author of the Hendrix biography “Room Full of Mirrors,” has seen the film and doubts the man is Hendrix.
Cross said the face and nostrils of the man depicted in the video don’t match Hendrix. He also said the man in the tape is wearing more rings that Hendrix was known to wear.
“This is somebody that looks like Jimi or is pretending to look like him, but it certainly didn’t look like a dead-on match to me,” Cross told The Associated Press during a telephone interview Tuesday. -source
Why doesn’t Ray J STFU?
Lil ignent Mofo, sitting there talking about his sex tape, and his “Man Goods”. Despite the fact that Ray-J sounds like a FAGGOT (yes, that word) he also sounds very young and stupid. It’s crazy that he’s saying that he didn’t leak the tape and it could have been her but she claims up and down that it was him. Both of them need to go sit down on the timeout mat and think about how dumb they are. I wonder if I make a sexy tape will that be my claim to fame…hmmmm?
spotted @ ybf
New York Does Hollywood

NEW YORK GOES TO HOLLYWOOD (10 Episodes – 30 Minutes)
Having at long last conquered her quest for love, New York is ready to tackle her other life dream: superstardom. Don’t get it wrong – New York is already a star but she wants to be on the A-list – as a legit actress.
In order to focus on her new mission, New York has to put her last conquest, Tailor Made, on the backburner as she tries to take on Tinsel Town. She’s moving out west to see if she can climb the Hollywood ladder. Question is, will she reach for the stars or fall flat on her face.
“New York Goes To Hollywood” is created and executive produced by Mark Cronin and Cris Abrego for Mindless Entertainment and 51 Pictures. Jeff Olde, Jill Holmes, and Kristen Kelly oversee the series for VH1. -source {spotted @dlisted}
Lil Kim knows how to Work the middle
Kerrin Steffans has made a whole army of little book writing sluts. Power after hours DJ Golden Girl has just released her tell all book which happened to include a whole sexy porno story of her and Lil Kim getting there sensual seduction on.
But all that shit aside, Lil Kim and I were touching, rubbing, and before I knew it, we were playing in each other’s p*ssy with our fingers. Her a*s was so soft, I kept touching and grabbing it. I’d never felt anybody’s a*s as soft as mine, and her t*tties were huge and pretty. Her nipples got hard instantly as I licked all over them. She was rubbing my cl*t and grabbing my a*s.
Brandy Lil Brother is at it again
Ray-J is at the porn thing again without the help of Hodashian, but this time with one of the chicks from the washed up group 702 (they used to be the ish)
I wonder if he has to scrap all the herpes and and crabs off his lil wee-ner before he gives the peen a close up with the camera. below is the suspected chick (she attended her is birthday bash recently) I don’t know her name and I don’t think it really matters.
In the below picture he is trying to scratch his pen15 with out anyone noticing. I notice Ray-J. i see your little itchy azz.
One of my patnas in crime Str8nyc reports: Snitches claim the new chick in the flick is one of the members of the once hot Las Vegas RnB girl trio, 702. He claims to have moved on from Kim Kardasshian and now looking to pimp out his newest conquest.
Vivica is going to get me fired!!
sandra rose reports: In the tape, an apparently inebriated Vivica can be seen on her knees servicing a male friend who surreptitiously taped the encounter on his cell phone. Allegedly the man, who lives in Atlanta, emailed the tape to friends who emailed it to Vivica. She quickly forwarded the tape to a friend at the Atlanta police department.
It isn’t known if Vivica filed an official complaint with the police or if she asked her police friend to handle the situation privately.-source
Funny Story: Soooo in trying to get this video clip for my nasty readers, I went there and clicked on some damn link from my work computer and next thing you know I have a damn virus from trying to download some damn porn (not download persae) all i did was click on the damn link…anyways so now because I’m scared to tell the computer help desk that i was clicking on un-work related bullsh!t I’m sitting here hoping that for some reason it will just disappear. Wish me luck or soon i’ll be blogging from home..only good news to that is I’ll be able to post more….YAY
but non-the-less here is the video of Vivica Fox getting a mouth full of PEN15
don’t worry your computer won’t get the virus, I’m the dumb ass not you….
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