Rihanna Falls and I *DIE*
She might need these again…
BUT, i have to give her credit because she’s a trooper. Just a couple of days ago she was recovering from a rib injury “was taken to a private clinic after performing a concert in Zurich, Switzerland, “had an injured rib and went to have it looked at to be sure it was nothing serious, and it wasn’t,” -source
I’m guessing everything wasn’t all that fine with her rib, because she sure did damn near slide right off the stage… That’s FUNNY, and I laugh. Her body is too small to balance out with her head. It’s bound to happen, and I wouldn’t be surprise if she doesn’t just fall over like baby tumbles every now and then
Rumors: Nicki Minaj Kicked off Tour, but Joins Gaga
This is what I’m hearing around town. Nicki Minaj was supposed to Join Rihanna and some other chick names Kesha on Rihanna’s world tour “Last Broad Standing” apparently Rhi was really jealous of Nicki’s success and figured that Nicki would steal her shine. Rumor has it that Nicki was added in the first place to boost ticket sales. All of this is according to Media Take out which is not the most reliable source
Anyways, when Nicki left the tour it was said that she put out a statement that she wasn’t going to do the tour because she wanted to work on her own album. At the same time someone from Nicki’s camp (an insider) said that when Nicki heard that she was being let go from the tour she called Rhi and ripped her a new one.
But here is when things get fishy… If Nicki was so focused on working on her own album that she didn’t want to go on tour. Tell me WHYYYY is she alleged to be going a tour with lady Gaga???
Other rumors surfaced that Nicki’s camp was saying that Nicki was too big of a star to be opening for someone like Rhianna, that she deserved her own shine *shrugs shoulders, and goes to sleep*
And the world turns hmmmmm…..
Rhianna beats the drums YAWN
Seems like Rih Rih found her self a new hobby. Playing the drums. she did a little drum set at her first show of her World Tour somewhere in Belgium. The tour is called “last broad standing” or something like that. There were a bunch of pics floating around, but the only thing I found interesting was that she seems to be a tad bit better as playing the drums then she is at singing and that says nothing cause she seems to suck as playing the drums too…
She looks scared of them hitting her face, but not afraid to lick them after (subliminal msg)
I sit and Wonder
Often times I sit and wonder what it is that gives off that off the wall sex appeal. Is it the FASHION or is it that fancy word the kids use these days “Swagga” Undeniably so, Rhianna has the Swagga… she drips it from her thighs and it scream loud and clear from her protruding forehead. BUT, I find that something is wrong. Under that modern star trek get up and remarkably applied makeup Rhianna’s inner boy child is screaming out for some love and attention.
I think she went down hill when she forgot about her roots and culture and not to mention her TKO by Chris Brown. Both tragic events has forced her to try to make a come back by ONE (1) getting in touch with her inner whore: dating around and doing countless interviews and crap about how much sex she wants and where she wants a man to put it, and TWO (2) trying to reach out to her culture by putting out the Fuckery infested video “rudeboy“(click link to see) I choose not to embed the video cause I think it sucks THAT MUCH shame on her… and shame on this horrible one piece costume. Beam me up Scottie!
Pics from NecoleBitchie.com
Who looked the Foolest: Cassie vs. Rihanna
I haven’t done one of these in a long time… Even though I think the hair cut is cute in a hard rocker kind of way, I don’t agree with woman just randomly shaving off there hair just because they have money to buy some more. So with that said
Who looked the foolest: Cassie did it first, and Rhianna followed behind

What say you?
Rhi Rhi’s-T-T-I-C

I must say that Rhianna has very nice boobs, they sag just a tiny bit but that’s called gravity. She was out in Vegas (I think) to celebrate the 4th with Jay-z, Lebron James, Jamie Fox and a host of other rich people with too much money on their hands. I was supposed to go to meet them but I had more important matters to attened to HA!!!! I wish… anyways I think a fashion statement like this can only be pulled off by someone like Rhianna. I remember when lil Kim tried to do it *sigh* despite the fact that she’s annoying and can’t really sing she is a sexy lil biach!!! I give props to Rhi and her boobies for this.
All Hail Rhianna’s boobies!!!!
Get a room oh but they are
I need Rhi Rhi and Chris Brown to come out of fairy tail land and stop playing house, teenagers should not be living together unless it’s a frat house. Actually i don’t care I hope he gets her lil ass pregnant and breeds a lil dancing big headed baby.. hey do these kids not have parents?? if so where the hell are they?
I’m just hating, I wish I had that kind of money so me and my BF can move into a big azz house and throw wild parties and get drunk and fall asleep in a pool full of RUM…YAY!! did someone say party….
“She and Chris want to live together,” says the insider. “They play their music loud though, so they want a condo that’s soundproof.” -source
I doubt it, everybody needs to breath
So rumor has it that Chris Brown and Rhianna are engaged after these pictures of her with a big azz ring on her ring finger surfaced and started making it’s way around the net, will as a rep for: “Stop the foolishness”. I can confirm that those said rumors are FALSE. These kids are 5 and 6 years old they don’t even know where to go to get a marriage license from, that ring is from the cracker jack box and neither of them want to be tied to each other for the rest of their lives YET. right now they are enjoying digging each other out in a bedroom and I’m sure that’s the extent of there relationship, soon she will be dating 50 cent and he will be dating lil Manma. so let us let this rumor die young and hard.

The Bajan beauty has been romantically linked to the Kiss Kiss hit-maker for months, but both singers have continually denied they are a couple, despite being snapped in public kissing and cuddling. The pair stepped up speculation about their relationship last week when they were photographed frolicking in a hot tub together in Los Angeles.
And now Rihanna has fueled rumors that they are to walk down the aisle after she was photographed sporting a ring on her left hand.
Rihanna’s tattoos
I didn’t know this child had 400 tattoo’s upon her body surface. I thought she had that one constellation down her back bone and that was it. she really is a good girl gone bad. By now you all should know my stance with females and tattoo, and I’m happy to report that Rhi has not fallen into the ridiculous tattoo category where she looks like a convicted fool from rikers *ahem keyshia cole and MJB*
Me and my Homie Bologna Mz Virgo was just chatting about tattoo’s and she informed me that she has 1 million of them but none of her arms after breathing a sigh of relief I inducted her into my friendship of fame. So if you want to remaine be my friend lets think about the places we will put our tattoos and think about what we actually want to be permanently placed on our bodies.
Okay???…. Okay
The tattoo behind your ear is a Pisces symbol–two fish swimming head to tail in a circle–which represents life after death. If possible, what would you be reincarnated as?
“If I had to come back in another form, it would be as my dog, DJ. He gets the best treatment, all the attention in the world, and he’s so adorable. Plus, he goes everywhere I can take him.”
Two Stories One big Lie
Chris and Rhianna obviously have different ways of Denying their “relationship” they continue the to tell the media and themselves that they are only just best friends. Seems to me like they need to get there stories straight because something don’t sound right.
Here they are grocery shopping “separately” but yet still together because that’s what BFF’s do. they shop together and then go home and do the nookie with each other and then braid each others hair. and yes i have peeped that he has spray painted that lil dry azz Mohawk sitting atop his head
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