Lil Kim Gets Money
I mean maybe now that she won her case and was awarded 500k I’m guessing it would mean that she will be able to buy more material to cover up her plastic stretched marked aureoles.
Lil’ Kim filed the $6 million dollar lawsuit against Lil’ Cease in July of 2005, claiming the former Junior M.A.F.I.A. member illegally used her name and likeness to promote his DVD The Chronicles of Junior M.A.F.I.A. Part II: Reloaded.
According to The New York Post, Manhattan Federal judge Jed Rakoff sided with Lil’ Kim and ruled that Lil’ Cease and his company Ground Zero entertainment infringed upon Lil’ Kims rights. -source
Lil Kim knows how to Work the middle
Kerrin Steffans has made a whole army of little book writing sluts. Power after hours DJ Golden Girl has just released her tell all book which happened to include a whole sexy porno story of her and Lil Kim getting there sensual seduction on.
But all that shit aside, Lil Kim and I were touching, rubbing, and before I knew it, we were playing in each other’s p*ssy with our fingers. Her a*s was so soft, I kept touching and grabbing it. I’d never felt anybody’s a*s as soft as mine, and her t*tties were huge and pretty. Her nipples got hard instantly as I licked all over them. She was rubbing my cl*t and grabbing my a*s.

Every thing that she has on is is a BIG NO NO, again we have a case of cute things that should be SEPERATED and banned from being worn TOGETHER. except of course for that limeatine green satin court suit.
ohh I get it. The pink on the side of the belt matching the little pink dumb azz strap on the shoe. I’m still trying to figure out how the big yellow school bus bag matches anything.
and to top it off as the founder of Birthday cake make up line, she needs to stop with the promoting because that line of makeup ain’t the bizzness.
Very freaky Girl

Lil’ Fake face is coming out with a Fur Line
Kim’s face looks like the white plastic face from scream!AHHHHHH
Lil’ Kim is having a new career choice. The rap star, best known for her 1996 album “Hard Core,” is invading the world of fashion, about to come out with her own line of fur.
Braves the wrath of animal rights group PETA, she’s naming her new collection of fur Royalty Fur, which will be a range of clothes and accessories all made from animal pelts. -source
Ms. Greatest of all Time
I wish she would have taken a picture with her legs closed, what’s with all the vagina shots these days, ish like this is NOT SEXY!!
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