and flashed he titty balls all over the place…

Happy Burday Fanny
Fantasia celebrated her 14th birthday and that peach ballerina cake dress that’s making me giggle as i type this. In true Fanny fashion she kicked off her shoes and performed an old church anthem including catching the spirit and falling out on stage (maybe I’m making that up) Her booboo Young Dro, was there to accompany her in a matching men wear house peach linen suit.
The chicks from Xcape came out to support there ghetto friend, not to be outdone by all the foolish fashion that was surrounded her Tiny managed to not be outdone. she and her smug nose came to the party with gold azz leggings and an over sized suitcase for a bag.

David David David Banner
Turned 30 something this weekend and needs to wear spray on deodorant on his privates to stop the sweating Infestation. despite the FACT that he can get me bodied backwards is not the topic at hand….
*imagining him ripping my shit off*
Enough with the visual stimulation…Eddie should take note that if you are going to wear a tank top make sure you have the right frame to support that decision.
Look who I found in Boston: Talib Kweli
I have a story to tell. Sooooo it was my future baby daddy’s birthday and he wanted to go out. So the wonderful girlfriend that I am…I arraigned for a small gathering of friends and family and we ventured out to have a good time. when we go to the club they had the nerve to tell us some Buuuuuuulllll Sh!t about it being $20 to get it (yes i said 20) to some of you that might be a lot but to me and my posse that was WOAAAAAAAAA!! (cause we don’t pay, we get there fore the ladies free before ????) so we payed because they said Talib Kweli was there and the FBD wanted to see him. Talib Kweli you say……(I don’t give a damn,who the hell is he… 20 bones is a lot) so we paid and yeah….we had a good time.
Long story short: At one point, a little on the twisted side the ladies ventured to the bathroom to do absolutely nothing and ended up talking sh!t about Talib because we didn’t see him. Come to find out some chick in there was his friend and she went back and told him we were pissed cause we payed mad money to get in the club because he was there. So he sent her back to tell us that he wanted to meet us and buy us drinks…long story short….i was wasted and got a picture and don’t remember it. THE END!! see pics below. He’s a nice guy and I’m now a fan!

I’m cheesing ridiculously hard!!
I’m to SEXY for my Shirt

Jim Jones Mama?!?

and I am sure that that is hampster fur.
Their shoe game is ON POINT….I will stop there
(cause how those outfits tie in has me stomped….)
She got a big azz head

Halle Berry Gave Birth!!
and I heard that I was first choice for God-Mother…..if i don’t, then I’ll settle for (live in) baby sitter as long as they give me free cable and a cell phone with unlimited everything. On an unselfish note: Congratulations to the mommy and baby, and not to forget Baby daddy.
It’s going to be amazing to see how she gets back in shape in 4 days….
The Oscar winner reportedly delivered the baby at Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles on Sunday morning.
The father is 32-year-old Canadian model Gabriel Aubry, Berry’s partner of two years -source
Erykah BADU: Happy Birthday
I don’t know how old she is I didn’t even know it was her birthday, but apparently this pics were taking at a birthday party that she had where she also celebrated the release of her new Album. Per usual she looked a mess but i have grown a certain fondness in the mess that is her apparel. So on that note I’ll just say Happy Birthday

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