Reports from the co-writer of Bobby Brown’s book (Derrick Handspike) lends some insight as to why Bobby has put out this book and a little sneak peak at what really happened in the picture of Bobby lying in a hospital room looking like a drugged out male prostitute.

I find myself very fascinated with this Bobby Brown fella cause he is PURE unadulterated entertainment. I wasn’t going to buy his book because I didn’t want to put my hard earned change in his pocket but according to this report…he’s already rich so…I’m buying it. The question is….WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO TO???

When asked the motive behind dishing dirt on ex-wife Whitney Houston, Handspike answered: “We are very wealthy from this already.” Handspike intimated that there are “investors,” adding, “It’s a joint-venture kind of thing.”

In addition to chapters about his cocaine use, which were excerpted in New York newspapers last week, Handspike says that Brown has also overdosed on heroin.

“No one knows that,” he told Friedman. “He had a stroke. They said he had a heart attack but he had a stroke.”

In the book, Brown says his heart stopped three times and he had to be revived with shock paddles.

According to Handspike, Brown also admits to hitting Houston. “He considered it horse play,” he said. “The reason Whitney called the police was that he laughed at her and then left. She said, ‘You think you’re going to just walk away from this?’ Then she called the police.”

Brown’s publicists are said to have adopted an aggressive game plan to promote the book.

“Brown’s press reps are approaching all the shows and made an inquiry to Oprah,” Friedman wrote in Sunday’s column. “The angle is gong to be that this is Brown’s way of telling his story, and that there’s very little about Whitney — at least not enough for which to sue him.”


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