TGIF Goodies
Til Death do us part… MY A$$
The two-time Grammy Award winning neo-soul powerhouse is “going through divorce proceedings” with her longtime lover and husband of five years Lyzel Williams, an insider confirmed.

EVE and Youtube team up: Tamborine
So you think you can shake your tamborine???
Well E-V-E is holding a contest over at youtube, to find the best tambourine shaker out there. HERE. you can enter your video and get your shake on, and I’m not talking about the kind that you shake at Early morning Church service I’m talking about…I don’t know what I’m talking about see for your self…..
First of all let me say Eve’s wig is ALL WRONG!!!! second, here are a few that I found entertaining and worthy….. The Good…
We got some Granny’s
Some that got a little too much sugar in the pants
The the ones with the tambourines literally inside their bodies
There were a few clowns that entered but they ain’t serious so why should I post up about them… again click here for a chance to enter. I’m about to go put on my spandex and get my shake on.
Old School P.I.M.P. (Good ol’ YOUTUBE)
Hello Everyone,
Ever wake up in the morning….. and would rather do nothing else but to call your boss and say F**K YOU I’m not coming in today because I’m tired, and you can KISS MY A$$. Well I feel that way everyday.
Then if that’s not bad you decide to make the best of the morning because you can’t really say that to your boss so you do your morning rituals. then get in your car to drive to work only to be presented with UTTER AND COMPLETE MORONS on the road.
The type of drivers that make you want to put your car in park, step out of your work pumps/shoes, put on your sneakers/timbs, smear Vaseline on your face, tie up your hair and WHOOP SOMEBODIES A$$…… but since you can’t do that either because this judicial system that we live by will allow people to damn near kill you but you can’t bring justice to the world by literally snatching them out the road.
Sooo, you come into work only to be pissed off all day damn by the voices of the people in the cubes around, until it’s time to go to lunch and in that case you feel like work should be over after lunch, but that would make way to much sense the the employer. you stomp back to your desk with a sh!tty attitude because your not satisfied and pissed with the amount of money the nasty a$$ cafeteria charges for a dry a$$ sandwich and juice ($9 m’fn dollars, and I’m serious) and to top it off your pissed because you left the food that your momma/you made in the fridge that you planned to bring to work, but were rushing cause that morning you almost convinced your self that you weren’t going to work….
So you come back to your desk for the rest of the day, wait for the clock to hit (insert your get off time here) and are put back into the same situation of STUPID A$$ DRIVERS, all rushing to do what your trying to do GET THE HELL HOME AND BACK TO YOUR DAMN BED
Moral of the story. YOUTUBE!! will get you through your day. ENJOY!!
THIS VIDEO MADE ME FEEL BETTER, and who ever was commentating on screen, made me want to hug them, cause I think they knew that I needed something to LOL about….I hope it brings a smile to my fellow angry people.
I do still have my extensions. My hair as a child was a long, thick, reddish blonde, so this hair is not that much of a stretch for me.
The quality of the hair is very high and it is guaranteed for five years.
But you’d have to get that redone or something to keep it in that long, right?
Oh yes. Maintenance, of course. That’s part of an elegant woman’s style.
And it’s literally woven in? It’s not a wig? Or is it?
It is extensions. You can purchase them buy the pound or buy the length and mine is over three-feet long.
Do you think you’ll change it? It’s sort of your signature at this point.
As an actress, it is important to change my style. I am an entertainer, I’m an actress and a vocalist, and I will gladly switch it up for the role.
I love Cash. What kind of dog is he?
He’s special genetic breed. He’s a combination of Piekenese and Persian, so he has many habits of a cat, but he’s a papered Pekingese puppy.
So, wait. He’s a dog, but he has cat in him?
Yes. He’s a special genetic breed.
How do you get one of those?
It’s like the new thing now where you can have them bred for certain characteristics and size. He’s everything. He’s very intelligent and he eats a primarily vegetarian diet.
OK. But he’s a dog? Or is he a cat-dog?
He’s a dog. He’s a papered Pekingese.
Your blinking does seem fairly pronounced. Is it a coincidence that the editors picked up on it?
I can confess that I overcame childhood blindness. When I went into the doctor’s office, they covered one of my eyes and I just started screaming because my vision was going. Through a series of very strenuous eye exercises and wearing very thick, thick Coke-bottle eyeglasses with an eye patch, I was able to overcome blindness. I say if I can do it, with any amount of determination, people can overcome whatever they have to and reach their own goals.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, my stage age will be 23 (laughs). I’ll be doing more movies, producing many of my own television series. I definitely intend to be starring in my own series in the near future and more starring movie rolls. Touring internationally. [I see myself as] an international star like Madonna or Michael Jackson or Gwen Stefani. An icon.
And besides that, what’s next for you? Are you dating anyone?
People always ask that, especially after Flavor of Love. My answer for them is I love love. I am told that I am the new image of the perfect woman and one day I’ll be with the image of the perfect man.

Flipping the subject completely, can you clear something up once and for all? 44DD – Natural?
Really?(Squealing in laughter) Yes! It’s true! They’re ALL mine, they’re real, and they’re fabulous! And they’re not going anywhere! It comes from my father’s side. I hadn’t seen some of them since I was about 12 and as soon as they saw me they were like, yes, she’s definitely kin to us! There are all of these rumors about me having plastic surgery, I’m all natural. I’ve never had any type of work done whatsoever. I’ve always been honest about wearing extensions, but other than that, I’m all me. One thing I am is real. I’m upfront about the fact that I’m all about money.
Are you working on an album?
Right now, I’m releasing singles. My first one was a Flavor of Love spoof called “My Man, My Mansion, My Money.” I’m recording with one of the original members of Earth, Wind & Fire. It’s totally awesome.
Is the full video for “My Man…” on the way?
I will say that the video clip is available on YouTube, as you’ve seen.
Will there be a full length video?
I have to say stay tuned.
I also read that you have a five-octave voice.
Yes. I weaned my voice on records that my mom has by Minnie Ripperton. I was just hitting the high notes and that’s how I weaned my voice. I hear that those notes make people’s bones vibrate when I hit them, but I’m just doing my passion, and that’s entertaining and making music.
Check out her online resume Her Myspace page and her home page
Shatar’s protege will be on Charm school this Sunday on VH1 10P
Watch a sneak peak at sunday’s show!
You can get the whole interviews of Shatar here and here
VH1.com Blog
Hott News and randomness I Find on the WWW
Usher is a LAME
Me Vs Me
TI’s new album is entitled T.I vs T.I.P- Ummmmm (thinking! thinking! thinking!) My mind is telling me I hate it but my heart is saying…..I hate it to. I guess when you a celeb you can do the “straight jacket” thing and get away with it
Monica’s Son Celebrated his 2nd Birthday
The baby daddy
Khandi from Xcape and child

What could he possibly do with all them toys. DID I HEAR YARD SALE?!?
Some more law suits against Brandy have been filed, now the dog that was peeing and got scared when Brandy caused the accident on the highway is suing the R-list singing for loot. Na Sah it’s the next dude that was in the car crash that didn’t die. Brandy has decided to sue back, and try to finally put a hush to all the plum foolishness that these people are doing to her. It’s sad that she killed a woman but come on people read the papers She ain’t got no money. She’s just as washed up as the next man.
Jordin don’t make me slap you. Why you ain’t tell nobody that you had some voice lessons back in the day, your poor voice coach is very pissed that you didn’t acknowledge your training. What will it be next…..You gonna play out American Idol…… You ain’t to old for me to take off my belt…..
Yuck Reggie I hope you bleach your tongue…..
I have a serious heart thumping crush on Reggie Bush and him being with Kim “skankaloid” Harblahblabla is making me want to do a drive by on her face….. according to TMZ.com these to are on it like curry on chicken
I can’t wait until the month changes
Bootz got a calender……..Oh My……. I’m going to be the first one to have it…NOTTTTTT!!! visit her page here. I think it’s stupid that all you have to do to make it big is to give a little attitude and pretend to be a virgin. If only it were that simple. I wouldn’t kiss flavor flav with someone else’s mouth.

Mischa decided to mix alcohol with antibiotics and get rushed to the hospital for some real action. DUMB A$$.

Look at this Skank couple days after her “hit and stumble away”, paparazzi catches her passed out in a friends car. They should stuff a dildo in her mouth before taking the picture.

Elias said Hill had spent much of his time since Hurricane Katrina helping family members rebuild their homes.

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Seems to me like some other person gave SR a bogus tip that YBF and Juiicy were talking trash sooo…………
Sandra Rose writes:

Freeze Fiya (from Juiicy Scoop) writes:
I got the inside scoop from RRR’s blog, so if you want to read the full out beef check the site, on there she pulls out the most hilarious comments from all three sites. A must read!
See why black people can’t have Nuffin!!!!!

From The Blog of Jim Hill (Disney Blogger)
Chief among their complaints were:
- The name “Maddy” sounded too much like “Mammy” and/or “Addy” (Which supposedly was a slave name)
- Maddy starts off this film working as a chamber maid for Charlotte, a rich, white, spoiled Southern débutante. Which — to some particularly sensitive types — also smacked of slavery.
- The film’s original title — “The Frog Princess” — was interpreted (by some) to be insulting toward France. Or — at the very least — a slur on French royalty.
- Lets not forget the Vilian in the story is a black Voodoo priest who’s last name is Duvalier who they say is after the Haitian Dictators Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier and his son, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier
Let me vent it out: Are black people for real…..is something wrong with me when i want to put slavery behind me and GET THE HELL OVER IT!!. Was it not my ancestors as well that were being whipped with chains and hung up on trees by their ears? Is that not something to try to build our way out of (bringing slavery back to the forefront)? As soon as anything Black Happens there always has to be controversy. Al Shapy and Jesse are soon going to be rioting and protesting outside of Disney studios to stop production of this movie….IS IT NOT ABOUT TIME THAT DISNEY WANTS TO FINALLY COME OUT WITH A BLACK PRINCESS???????? Then why is is so hard for us as black people to sit the hell down and shut the hell up and let these people make their movie???
{source} and {source}
Hereos:Less Confused or ??
Hottcap: After a hard afternoon learning how to be a super doper swords man, he now has to go find his lil dumb a$$ friend who thinks that he can miraculously beat Sylar by himself. HA! Clair and Peter go in search of the rest of the Hereo’s since they now know that Sylar has radioactive power. DL and Niki/Jessica try to get away and go look for Mica. Molly and Saresh act like a family, along with the cop and Mr Bennett. Nathan/Peter’s Mom is still a major B!TCH
Peter decides that he needs to go to his brother for some help. Clair tries to tell him that he can’t trust his brother but Peter gets all punk like and says that he “needs his brother cause he’s scayard” (best baby voice). This turns out to be a bad idea because Nathan is very keen on blowing up New York (as he should) but still. Peter hears Nathans thoughts and realizes that Clair was right.
By then Clair and her little fast self has already ran away, but the little idiot runs straight into the Queen witch of the world Her grandmother. and Peter is now somewhere in an ally passed out because he has too much power in his system. Soooo back to Clair…she is now being taken away to somewhere out of the city but with instructions from her father (Mr. Bennett) to get away as soon as she is safe.
Once she finds out that she will be practically the only one saved she take the opportunity to jump out the window about 3 million feet, and gets away to go find Peter and her dad. This was one of the best scenes i have ever seen. I wish i could regenerate!!!!! (woe is me)

So Sylar some how finds Peter and they get ready to fight, or might i say Sylar starts to fight and chokes the ish out of Peter.
While Sylar is now beating Peter down with a Parking meter. Niki helps to distract Peter by yanking the Meter out of Sylars hands and hiting him with him. (YAY FOR NIKI) then Hiro comes out of no where and with a sudden running movment plunges the butter knife I mean sword in Sylar’s stomach and Sylar goes down. HUHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
sidebar:so all a long this whole season we have been waiting for someone to stop Sylar and all it took was a damn stab in the belly. only part of the show that pissed me off, because my 6 month old Godson could have killed Sylar if it was that damn easy.
So they embrace and then fly into space to explode. The End!!! NNNNOOOOOOTTTTTTTT!!
In Hereos: Generations which happens to be the beginning of the of the next season
Hiro ends up somewhere in the 17th century about to get killed by an army of angry Asians until a single horseman comes to his rescue…could it be his daddy….To Be Continued
Don’t forget to tune into Hereos: Origin this summer
Did Anyone Catch Desperate Housewives Last Night
Hottcap: Fairview is a Mess

Carlos finds out the Edie is full of ish and has been taking birth control, instead of trying to get pregnant. He is pissed and tells her that it’s over and that he will never trust her again.
Sidebar: that was a dumb stupid, of and idiotic idea for her to think that she was going to get away with that. and above all it was just flat out mean.
Sooooooo…..in the end I guess so distraught over everything Edie goes and hangs her self. IS THIS FOR REAL. DID EDIE REALLY CHUNK UP THE DUCES AND LEFT THE BUILDING!!!!! I guess we will have to wait until next season
Pre Charm Fools Post
VH1 hasn’t posted and pics for me to e-jack(LOl) so i’m going to post about the now expelled Shatar
After getting eliminated yesterday for being falsely accused of stealing dumb a$$ Leilene’s Mothers Pictures Shatar decided to write the producers of Charm School a letter. which goes something like this:
Let’s keep it real. The judges should have kept it tight and reviewed the film the same way they did for the etiquette segment.
My character was defamed. This was obvious and clear bias. I was crucified – hung on an emotional cross!
Hugs don’t get it. We are out here in the real world.
I demand a PUBLIC APOLOGY from the girls and the judges, televised on VH1 and I demand my own Shopping Couture with Schatar from the VH1 network immediately.
Purely HIGHlarious!!!to read the rest of her response letter click here for the full post. it’s also posted on her “what seems to be fake (my opinion)”Myspace page.
This is pretty old but Flavor of Love1 star New York is said to be a Big Fat Fake according to MediaTakeOut.com
Who are they!!!!????!!!!
The story goes that an insider at VH1 reported that:
Miss ‘New York’ is actually Kenya Simmons of Newark New Jersey. Never heard of her? Well, it’s not likely that you would have.
Simmons, a former exotic dancer, has shown up to many a reality show castings. (I work for Fox). To add hilarity to the stew, she was rejected thrice by “The Bachelor”.Simmons is not the only television hopeful who has shown her face at numerous open call castings.
The actress (and I use that term loosely) who plays “Mrs. Michelle”, New York’s mother, Leslie Bibbs, is not only of no relation to Simmons, but once stood in the same cattle call line with her at an open call for a B.E.T reality show.
Another amazing tidbit: Bibbs and Simmons are only 5 years apart in age.I’ve never heard much about the actor playing Mr. New York, but my friend seems to think he works at VH1.
Mediatakeout.com isn’t the best provider for legit statements so believe at your own discretion…
Also from MediaTakeOut.com we learn that Flav might has thought his sh!t smelled a little to good. The king of of Foolishness, might have kicked his self in the A$$ by asking for too much money for Flavor of Love 1 and 2.
“A source over at the network told MediaTakeOut.com that Flav tried to negotiate a huge payday for himself. The insider explains, “[Flav] was asking for millions of dollars for each season of Flavor Of Love – that was way more than we were willing to spend … We ended up going with I Love New York instead and, needless to say, it worked out pretty well for us.”
read full story here
Now he’s trying to lower is asking price because he realizes that he’s about to be a father for the 1 millionth time. check out this recent clip of him and his whale sized “TPT” of a baby momma
I love it!!!!
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