Kim Porter should put little streaks on blond in her hair if she’s going to act like a stupid little idiot….First of all when you appeared on the cover of frigging ESSENCE mag with Pee-Titty she made her self look like a complete and I do mean COMPLETE fool, by posing in a magazine with a man she know is out there doing what ever walks under the caption “Real Love” come on Kim Porter give me a damn break…..I know i wasn’t the only one that picked up the magazine and said “WHAT A DUMB B!TCH”
In a recent tell all with OK magazine: (i took the two excepts the pissed me off the most)
On His Alleged Cheating: “I will never sit here and say that Puffy — or any man — is 100 percent faithful. I just don’t believe it. Some of you are, but I’m not going to sit here and say that I didn’t believe that he cheated on me. I would never say that. I’m aware that he’s cheated.”
On J.Lo’s relationship with Diddy: “It was an embarrassment. I never thought it was real. I knew what was going on with him. Despite what you see in print and when the cameras are flashing, what’s going on in someone’s heart may be totally different. He was still [in love] with me. I never looked at their relationship [as serious].”
in the red part that I highlighted don’t she sound like one of them chicks that are trying to convince themselves that a man really does love them when all along the man is having a public relationship with another chick???? the fact that she opened her mouth to say those words makes me want to punch her in it……While Titty was with Jello he loved Jello and she stomped on his billion dollar receding hairlined heart. When he was with Jello he wasn’t thinking bout you…he was thinking about slamming into Jello at night, not KIMBERLY PORTER
all in all… she is skinny and dry as hell, her and Star Jones should open a sun dried fruit shop…and have themselves be the live advertisement.
Regardless in the end….she’s 1.2 million dollars richer. Sometimes it pays to be an a$$
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