Into the Crack is whack Hall of Fame
Don’t get me wrong, I still have hopes that her Album will be lovely but if she continues to behave the way she has been…then I’m afraid for her future. I don’t understand how she fell off in the first place. That damn wyclef…..Somebody get me an interview……..NOW!!
At a recent concert:
Angry fans who stayed for the performance were less than satisfied. One said, “She looked wasted… It was the worst gig of my life.” Another said, “She looked like a clown, singing in an incredible aggressive manner and looking as though she were absolutely wasted, her eyes rolling… It’s such a shame that such a talented individual is at such a low point. It was an absolute disgrace.”
If that wasn’t the kick in the balls: They also said that after spending over $80 dollars to see her sing, she arrived 2 Hours late, which happened to be 30 min before the place shut down. Talk about pissed. I would not have left that place with out either my money or handcuffed and wrestled down to the ground by state troopers…..
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