What a nice Girl
Jurnee Smollett, co-star of “The Great Debaters,” announced her intentions of working with Wiley College officials to establish a $2 million scholarship fund in honor of Henrietta Bell Wells, the woman behind h

The announcement was made before a sea of Wiley students, faculty and alumni at the 135th Founders Observance Banquet at Civic Center.
Actress Jurnee Smollett talks to the crowd of attendees at the 135th Founders Observance Banquet on Saturday at the Marshall Civic Center.
While holding back tears, Ms. Smollett vowed that the scholarship fund would “put young girls through college” and help diminish the negative stereotypes and images of black women as depicted by the media, which she feels are sensationalized. She also said the scholarship fund could possibly enable more African-American women to envision greater opportunities outside of what’s usually cast to them.
“I’m told I’m a statistic,” said Ms. Smollett, in a passionate address to the packed audience in the center. “I’m told that my young black sisters are disease-ridden…but we are greater than what society tells us we are.” -Source
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